The look you get when you tell your friends how much your new rock cost!!!


When I go to work or talk to friends about the new cool rock I just paid $500.00 for you get that look. Then the great words " your crazy" and I just have to
! But the rest of the day everybody ask about your tank. And what the _________ is live rock.


The look gets worse when you tell them that you stare at your rock at night because you dont have anything else in the tank yet....


Active Member
I think everybody who has liverock has been up at 3am with the kids Burger King kids meal red light toy searching for creatures. I find the infered night shot on video cams work great. No visable light shines on the tank at all and you can see great.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
I find the infered night shot on video cams work great. No visable light shines on the tank at all and you can see great.
Wow, never thought of that, I going to give it a try tonight.....
I've learned to keep my mouth shut and not say how much "things" cost. I made the mistake of telling a friend that I had just spent 2k on LR (curing in a pond for my next display tank) I has given that look where their whole body stiffens up, the nect twitches and you get a couple of long blinks and then the dreaded stare, then they lean over to you and go "you spent how much" then their mouth opens wide, and then you get the "wow, Holy #^ap" responce.......... I've been thru it too many times. Now everything has a standard, fixed price that I reveal for each type of purchase, my LR cost $69, Tank cost $299, fish cost $29 and all equipment purchases cost $49. Example, "Wow, cool fish, how much was the pretty yellow and blue one, $29, how much was the purple tang $29"


Originally Posted by maxalmon
Now everything has a standard, fixed price that I reveal for each type of purchase, my LR cost $69, Tank cost $299, fish cost $29 and all equipment purchases cost $49. Example, "Wow, cool fish, how much was the pretty yellow and blue one, $29, how much was the purple tang $29"
That's great!


Active Member
I'm gilty of sleep loss due to my aquarium also. I also run my lights way too long because i like to look at my tank at night, lol.


My wife has caught me 2 times sitting on a bucket of salt at 3am with a red filter on my surefire. Then I get "whats the he$$ is wrong with you you need help the kind you have to pay for". Then the next day she calls everybody we know and tells them.


Active Member
I used to be pretty good about sleeping at night and not looking at the tank TOO much lol. But i recently got new lights, and guess what they have? MOONLIGHTS! lol


Active Member
i tell every one but my mom (she loves the tank and picks out stuff for it too) that almost everything was an sale for 10-29 $$. the brand new acros 21.99 a pice( really 50.00 a pice mom bought one i bought the other). yellow tang 8.00 was 15.00 but went on sale. that rock was only 1.50 a lb. no silly that blastomussa was only like 20.00bucks
mh light fixture 120.29 to be exact really 450.00


Active Member
Me too lol, that hippo? No he was 15 (really a 100).
That little shrimp? He was only 5 (really 30)
That new MH fixture? 50 (really $350)
I swear people think im insane sometimes


Active Member
The best part is having to hide new equipment and/or sneaking it into the house to install. Then having to make sure the box is destroyed before it's found.

I can't believe I'm getting away with this one, Slowly all the parts for a new 30g species tank i'm setting up are starting to find there way into various areas of the house, a few weeks ago I sneeked the tank into the house and kinda let it sit around, then a overflow just appeared a week or so latter and has been sitting on a shelf, then the pump fairy "poofed" me a new rio pump thats been sitting in the corner of the garage, A few bags of LS have been sitting in the laundry room etc... In a week or two, I'm going to kinda make my rounds and then announce "Hey, wow, look at this, I've got enough equipment just SITTING around to set up a new tank"
Funny thing is I'll get a away with it, just like i've done with the other 3 tanks
.....Not like were hurting for money or anything, just i've been told that i'm spending to much on this hobby, I figure I make it, I'll spend it....


Originally Posted by maxalmon
The best part is having to hide new equipment and/or sneaking it into the house to install. Then having to make sure the box is destroyed before it's found.

I can't believe I'm getting away with this one, Slowly all the parts for a new 30g species tank i'm setting up are starting to find there way into various areas of the house, a few weeks ago I sneeked the tank into the house and kinda let it sit around, then a overflow just appeared a week or so latter and has been sitting on a shelf, then the pump fairy "poofed" me a new rio pump thats been sitting in the corner of the garage, A few bags of LS have been sitting in the laundry room etc... In a week or two, I'm going to kinda make my rounds and then announce "Hey, wow, look at this, I've got enough equipment just SITTING around to set up a new tank"
Funny thing is I'll get a away with it, just like i've done with the other 3 tanks
.....Not like were hurting for money or anything, just i've been told that i'm spending to much on this hobby, I figure I make it, I'll spend it....



Active Member
Originally Posted by JacknJill
I used to be pretty good about sleeping at night and not looking at the tank TOO much lol. But i recently got new lights, and guess what they have? MOONLIGHTS! lol
oh man..... i hear you... now imagine you reef was DIRECTLY next to your bed!!! the desk my tank is on is touching my bedframe :hilarious


yeah none of my friends understand why I spent 4000.00 on such a small tank...but hey it relaxes me and keeps me entertained after work. but yeah they really laugh their butt off when they hear I have almost 800.00 just in rock and sand in my tank.


Originally Posted by ElitePhoto
yeah none of my friends understand why I spent 4000.00 on such a small tank...but hey it relaxes me and keeps me entertained after work. but yeah they really laugh their butt off when they hear I have almost 800.00 just in rock and sand in my tank.
Mine laughed at me until I brought in pics. They all have Goldfish tanks and were insanely jealous at what my tank looked like. I've dropped almost 2K on my little 35 gal. Over 1300 on just the tank, LR and LS.


Originally Posted by maxalmon
The best part is having to hide new equipment and/or sneaking it into the house to install. Then having to make sure the box is destroyed before it's found.

I can't believe I'm getting away with this one, Slowly all the parts for a new 30g species tank i'm setting up are starting to find there way into various areas of the house, a few weeks ago I sneeked the tank into the house and kinda let it sit around, then a overflow just appeared a week or so latter and has been sitting on a shelf, then the pump fairy "poofed" me a new rio pump thats been sitting in the corner of the garage, A few bags of LS have been sitting in the laundry room etc... In a week or two, I'm going to kinda make my rounds and then announce "Hey, wow, look at this, I've got enough equipment just SITTING around to set up a new tank"
Funny thing is I'll get a away with it, just like i've done with the other 3 tanks
.....Not like were hurting for money or anything, just i've been told that i'm spending to much on this hobby, I figure I make it, I'll spend it....

I got to try that.....
:hilarious :joy:


what a relief to know i am not they have a diagnosis for what we've got....better yet, an antidote? :thinking:

sinner's girl

ya'll spend way too much money on the tanks! That's why I don't have reef... Most thought it's funny when I was excited over going on a curise...that meant lr, and the second cruise meant more lr! (we didn't pay for the cruises-they were gifts). I had pictures and could tell you where every piece came from.
When we first got ours, we didn't have stands, they were on the counter and the couch was in front of it. we'd lay there and watch the fish. before we had fish we'd get the water tested and make the rounds (going to all the fish stores), I knew when the stores sold a few or got a new fish...I loved watching the rocks and inverts.
Sadly, my 75gl is in sinner's office and doesn't get much attention, but soon (I hope) it'll be moved to my office where I can watch it more.
I figure I make it, I'll spend it....
Yep, I have a fish fund my extra money goes to...I'm currently spending it for sand, Sinner thinks the money would have better uses. Just wait till I have a job and have more extra money (right now it's just extra money from babysitting or christmas that I use). I have just enough for th rest of my sand and a refractormeter!