the neatest fish i've ever seen


i was hoping that someone could help me identify a filefish i say at my lfs today. and as the title says i need to know everything about that fish. but i don't have a pic
.it was a green filefish with yellow spots a yellowish tail and a yellow horn. it was just amazing. i couldn't find an id or pic anywere. can someone help my with an id or sumthing? :help:


yup thats the fish but the one i saw had a yellow tail. also it says they eat coral polyps has anyone ever kept this fish?


Active Member
that is really nice... i would love to add that, but something tells me it will not be ok for the home aquarium!


Active Member
Very nice looking fish and that is actually one of the smalller of the filefish, maxing out at about 5 inches. However, the impossible thing about them is that they feed almost exclusively on acropora corals.


this fish has one of the lowest success rates in home aquariums. many experts even say they wish this fish would stop being sold for the aquarium trade. even though it is very pretty i highly advise against buying and keeping it.


Active Member
I think their are lots of fish with lower survival rates...
Ghost pipes
Sea dragons
certain seahorse species
garden eels
moorish idol
But poeple keep buying them... We should stop, but the uninformed buy them...making the supplier think their is a they catch more..then more uninformed buy them...making the supplier think their is a demand...
Vicious cycle really...


Originally Posted by CELACANTHr
I think their are lots of fish with lower survival rates...
Ghost pipes
Sea dragons
certain seahorse species
garden eels
moorish idol
But poeple keep buying them... We should stop, but the uninformed buy them...making the supplier think their is a they catch more..then more uninformed buy them...making the supplier think their is a demand...
Vicious cycle really...
great point we need to try and only buy aquacultured corals and fish...but its hard to find the most beautiful species this way...but it is the most eco friendly way


Active Member
Originally Posted by reeffer
great point we need to try and only buy aquacultured corals and fish...but its hard to find the most beautiful species this way...but it is the most eco friendly way
true true true


Active Member
Even if we do not just buy aquacultured fish, there really should be a list of fish that should not be allowed to collected.
Many butterflies would be on there, moorish idols, ribbon eels, a lot of sharks, rays, sea dragons, a lot of different sea horses, some species of filefish, all parrotfish, sweetlips, and many others.


i do believe sea dragons are so protected that illegal capture of one is an extremely large fine if caught. only aquariums are aloud to have them.


Active Member
they do have very strict laws on collecting sea dragons. But their are is at least one person I know of in australia who is breeding them, or at least attempting to. It took him many years of proper collecting and filing with the gov't to be able to do this.