Here's a few pics of my new additions plus some of the old ones. The longnose thinks he's all that and tried to get in all of the pictures. There's not and there not great quality, but they work.
Beautiful pictures!! I know this is a frequently asked question, got any full tank pics? They're always fun to see.
Again, your pictures are really gorgeous.
Lisa :happyfish
Originally Posted by 2563
Thanks! The last one in the first set is pretty much a full tank, just missing e few inches on the right. But here's a few more because I'm bored.
LOVE the landscaping, very cool. That's why I like to see full tank pics, so I can see how the rock work put together and where things are placed. I love that. Great looking tank...I like it alot.
Lisa :happyfish
Thanks! It's a 55g, been up for 10 months now. The rocks didn't come like that, I've got them carfefully stacked on one another. I'll get around o epoxying them together soon, hopefully they won't fall until then!
Nice tank. Its nice to see somebody being sucessful without having the most expensive equipment. I see that you use power filters and most likely a HOB skimmer with PC lights. Most people say you need all the over priced equipment to do the exact same thing you are doing. Great job.
The butterfly is doing fine so far. It'll be a week thursday that he's been in. No, he wasn't hard to get to eat at all! I put him in then 20 min later tried feeding mysis soaked in garlic and he ate! As of yet that's all he'll eat but I'm hoping to start weaning him off soon. He doesn't pick at any of my corals but he does pester my feather duster a lot, I'm not expecting him to survive.