The new kid on the block


Hello everyone!!
I need buddies that will help me with the million and one questions I have and am going to have about my new tank and hobby!
I am also new at this message board/forum thingy so if I do something wrong or break "forum etiquette" please let me know.
So if anyone wants to send me tips and stuff feel free. And tips about the forum would be helpful too :)


hey welcome! if you have any questions just start a thread - people are on this site almost 24/7 willing to help you out!


Welcome, and a million and one questions you will indeed have!
As for the forum, spend a few weeks (yep, I said weeks!) just going through the threads, you'll learn more than you ever thought you'd know. Also, make the search button your friend, a lot of your questions will have undoubtedly been asked, and answered, already.
As M'shrip said, go ahead and ask whatever you want, this is a very friendly board with an unbelievable amount of knowledge at your fingertips . . . literally. Sure, there will be contradictory opinions, but what you seek is here.


Thanks f14peter and reefkprZ for the warm welcome. And f14peter I will definatly make sure to research through the resources that are already here. I am just so dang excited!!!
I've only had my tank for a couple of weeks and I have 10lbs of live rock and some live sand and that is about it...unless that brown algea counts.....doubt it :notsure:


Active Member
hey if you count each diatom (speck of algae) as a pet you now have over 15million little pets in your tank....... :hilarious


Originally Posted by f14peter
Welcome, and a million and one questions you will indeed have!
As for the forum, spend a few weeks (yep, I said weeks!) just going through the threads, you'll learn more than you ever thought you'd know. Also, make the search button your friend, a lot of your questions will have undoubtedly been asked, and answered, already.
As M'shrip said, go ahead and ask whatever you want, this is a very friendly board with an unbelievable amount of knowledge at your fingertips . . . literally. Sure, there will be contradictory opinions, but what you seek is here.
Great Point f14- i've been on this site almost everyday for the past two months...
i dont think a day has gone by that i did'nt learn something new from everyones old threads, searches, new threads, the FAQ's... all of it has been invaluable...
Contradictory opinions as f14 said are plentiful - and i agree f14 - its awesome to know that so many people have had so much sucess, employing so many different ideas

Welcome to the boards adairable!!!


You're right reefkprZ...I have like a million or so pets!!! I started to name them but I soon grew when I called them by their names they wouldn't come...oh well, what's a girl to do?!


chuckcac- thanks for the welcoming words. I really am going to take f14peter and your advise and just start reading threads in my free time here at work. Hopefully I will have a lot of time!


Originally Posted by Adairable
chuckcac- thanks for the welcoming words. I really am going to take f14peter and your advise and just start reading threads in my free time here at work. Hopefully I will have a lot of time!
Also, i just picked up the book - "the Consciencous Marine Aquarist" by Robert Fenner...
It's been recommended to me on numerous occasions - so i am doing the same...

Great Read, great illustrations, overall - loaded with great information. It was the first thing i purchase when i decided to get into SWA...

BTW - freetime + work ...? how do you manage that one :hilarious


Yea about the work thing....ya'd think a bank would be busy on a Friday afternoon but no....I would probably be playing tetris right now if I hadn't found this forum. And I have heard about that book actually, I thik it was just through reading some threads. Thanks for the suggestion though.


Welcome to the boards.
This is a great place to learn about a very addictvie hobby. I was told this when I started and it is something I still remember about asking questions on this forum. "The dumbest question is the question that is never asked". All of us have been newbies at some time and have probably had the same question. Good Luck!!!


Thanks for the kind words leftyblite!!! and its true about the addicting thing....what have I gotten myself into?!?!


hey adairable...i started on this forum yesterday, i learned more in the last day than in the 2 books i have read haha....this is by far the best resource....and people are always willing to help...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
what have I gotten myself into?!?!

to sum it up in one word DEBT.

(but its worth it.)


An expensive, addicting, fun and rewarding hobby. Just remember another thing I've learnded about this hobby, especially when starting....Patience!!! :thinking:


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Hi and Welcome.
please tell us a little more about your tank. what size? equipment? Pictures

I just got a 14g Biocube for Christmas.
I have 20lbs of live sand
20lbs of live rock
a hydrometer
some instant ocean
and 10 turbo snails? to eat the brown stuff
and that is it folks....
the tank came with some stuff. Here is a description:
"The Oceanic BioCube is an all-inclusive aquarium for any level hobbyist. Features curved glass front corners, side viewing window for filtration water pump, blue lunar moon lights and two compact fluorescent lamps along with a remote ballast. Dual filter intakes, one on top to skim the surface and one on the bottom, allow constant water flow through the integrated wet/dry filtration system. Filtration cartridge is a poly-woven pre-filter that contains carbon and fits all sizes of BioCubes."
sorry about not having any pictures...its a bummer :(