The nobby black cumcumber, is it venemous?


I would like to get one, I like the fact that he will grind up my sand and make it finer while cleaning. However, I do not want him if he is a problem. Is his demands high and is he dangerous to have?


Active Member
if they die get them out of the tank ASAP. I do not have one but i do know that they are common in the home tank. They do work well at cleaning detritus from ur DSB. As long as they are not stressed and ur tank levels are healthy i do not see any problem with getting one. Make sure it is healthy and not sick when u see it. Although online stores can give u a credit for the actualy fish/invert...they will not pay for ur whole tank to be re stocked if this thing happens to kill it, so make sure it is very healthy. I'd go to a reputable LFS and have them help you pick out the best/healthiest one.


Active Member
most cukes, are toxic, if they die, or get spooked,
i gotta ask are you obseessed, with getting rid of the algae??
if so, count to 10 and breathe deeply
although a PIA, your algae stages are part of your maturing process, tanks will go through soem, especailly when new, it is normal, but do not worry about removing it all in a day, by buying everything you can, maintain good h2o and keep after is, the PIA will become worth it again, b4 you know it
get your crabs and snails, and maybe stars, if you want, or conchs, you got an algae blenny, an dpersistence, that is the key ingredient, for the first 6 months you NEED persistence and patience, not every species in the ocean(don't take this the wrong way, either)


I've just recently gotten 2 cukes, one a tiger tail and the other sold just as spiney black cuke. Now, this is just my observations, and only for a short time period too, but, the tiger tail is really going to town and the sandbed looks superb. The black one, well, I wish I could say the same thing. It has a tendancy to park it's rear end under a rock and only mop the area right in front of it. Then the next day it might or might not move to another rock. It moves extremely slowly and several times I had to watch it very carefully to make sure it was still alive! If it is still behaving the same way on Sunday, I will take it back to the LFS and exchange it for another tiger tail!
They are in seperate tanks which are both maintained the same as far as temp, salinity, ph, nitrates, water changes, etc......
From what I understand about these two cukes is that they do not release a toxin when stressed, but if they die, they can release a toxin as they decompose, so remove them quickly if they die (and I would run some carbon in the filter too, and do a water change also).