The Old Carbon Question


So I am in the process of combining two of my tanks. The larger one (55 g) will be the new home of my 30 gallon reef. Howeverm i wanted to use my Emperor 400 that is on the 55. As you may know, this filter runs carbon in the preassembled cartridges. Can i safely continue to use it or is there an alternative type of cartridge that i can use in an Emperor??? I really like this filter! -David


I once put a slit in the filter and emptied out all the carbon. It was a little work but I couldnt find a carbonless emperor cartridge. BTW If you would like a EMP. I have one. for some reason I think it is a 500 or 550 but the biggest I have seen is a 400 so it might be that. but either way I have on that I cant fit under my hood and I dont have the clearence behind my sump. So I will sell it for the price of a few damsels. let me know. this could make you seperation easier.. email me at I will be gone this weekend until sunday.


Thanks for the offer but I actually already have a 400 on my 55. Sliting the cartridge is not a bad idea- i might try that- did it work out ok for you? I hate to pay for the carbon and not use it but i also don't see any point in wasting the money on a new filter when my Emperor is only 3 months old and it worls great.


Just don't use the carbon carts at all. If you want mechanical filtration go to HD or any Janitorial type store and for a few bucks you can get a huge nylon disk that they make for floor buffing machines. Cut this disk into the size of your filter pads and then place it in the extra media box that normally fits between the carbon cart and the bio-wheel. One pad will make dozens of filters and they are very cheap.


The carbon issue is controversial--I don't use it in my reef tanks because it is rumored (and documented) that it removes good as well as bad minerals, etc. You may use it and be successful but I just feel that things like Coraline Algae will flourish better without carbon.


People will use it for a day or two to remove any chemical imputires form the water. A use for this would be if your water is yellowing the carbon would clean it up.
Extended use is deffinatly a debate but most do not use it 24/7.


I use the Carbon in MINE!!! it has not hurt them in any way at all..... it removes the smell.... + other bad stuff....


We've used carbon for 4 years. We've taken it out maybe a dozen times max. I especially make sure it runs when I added new hard corals. I felt it kept the water cleaner because when they are upset from being moved they spit out toxins (clear stuff that makes the water sting my arms). After running carbon, that dissapears. :)


i put it in sometimes on a normal basis but whenever i add live rock i always put it in it helps clear up the tank