And now since I kinda vented about a gripey customer at work I want to present the other side of what I deal with!
Everything is going pretty well with my fishies at work, nitrates are back down to acceptable levels, losses are down, the fish look fat and sassy... Tomorrow we're having a visit from one of the "big bosses" that only comes in from time to time to check up on us. This will be my first visit from her since I took over the fish department. Before on her visits since I was management it was no biggie to me because I just listened to what she had to say about each department then worked on getting the heads of those departments to make changes. But now it's MY department and MY knowledge, work ethic, etc. that's under the gun!! So naturally I'm a little nervous and have been working extra hard to make sure that everything is as tip top as I can get it.
While I was scrubbing some rocks yesterday a couple came in looking at my tanks. They were whispering to each other excitedly pointing at the tanks when I went over to greet them. The gist of what they said was that they had come in in the past and it was so awful with dirty, icky tanks and sick fish that they vowed to not buy fish from us again. Then they gushed over what a huge improvement yesterday's visit showed them! They were so impressed that the tanks looked so nice and the fish were doing so well! They kept telling me several times that everything looked SO MUCH better now!!!!
I was grinning like an idiot about ready to burst with pride!
I've been working myself like a fiend, dragging home exhausted, skipping breaks, and I'm so happy that it's all paying off! Everything is not as good as I want it yet but I feel I'm making definite headway in that direction.
It's customers like that that give ya the boost to keep going! Not ALL customers suck! :cheer:
Everything is going pretty well with my fishies at work, nitrates are back down to acceptable levels, losses are down, the fish look fat and sassy... Tomorrow we're having a visit from one of the "big bosses" that only comes in from time to time to check up on us. This will be my first visit from her since I took over the fish department. Before on her visits since I was management it was no biggie to me because I just listened to what she had to say about each department then worked on getting the heads of those departments to make changes. But now it's MY department and MY knowledge, work ethic, etc. that's under the gun!! So naturally I'm a little nervous and have been working extra hard to make sure that everything is as tip top as I can get it.
While I was scrubbing some rocks yesterday a couple came in looking at my tanks. They were whispering to each other excitedly pointing at the tanks when I went over to greet them. The gist of what they said was that they had come in in the past and it was so awful with dirty, icky tanks and sick fish that they vowed to not buy fish from us again. Then they gushed over what a huge improvement yesterday's visit showed them! They were so impressed that the tanks looked so nice and the fish were doing so well! They kept telling me several times that everything looked SO MUCH better now!!!!
I was grinning like an idiot about ready to burst with pride!

It's customers like that that give ya the boost to keep going! Not ALL customers suck! :cheer: