The perfect fish for christmas


Well I went to the LFS today to get some krill for my shark and found 2 fish I've been trying to find locally for about a month now. Woo Hoo! I found a girlfriend for my Green Manderin (I can never find females) and a christmas (x-mas)wrasse. Here's a pick of my wrasse.


Active Member
do you have a pic of the mandarin? also how can you tll if it is a girl or a boy?i also have a green mandarin and would like to know


The fish aren't very photogenic today so I can't get a good pick. Heres one of the pair. The difference is the fin on the top of the Mandarin that looks like an antenna. The female has something that looks like a three leaf clover in that spot. If you plan on getting a second mandarin for a 55g I wouldn't suggest it unless you have a refugium. 2 will require a lot of pods.


Active Member
oh dont worry, im not getting another, i just wanted to know if mine was a boy or girl. so if the fin on top is like an antenna its a boy ande a clover is a girl?


Yeh most likely it's a male they are much more common. It will have what looks like an antenna behind it's head


looks like ur a big fan of wrasses GregM779! I have a Laboutei Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus laboutei) and can only find a few site with little informantion on them. i have had him for around 4 weeks and is goin fine, just wanted to read up on them more. would u now anywhere where i might find some more in depth information. i have read up on similar species but would like some more specific information.
btw fantastic photos, and are u looking at breeding Green Manderins.


I like wrasses because they are all very different. They are also really hardy unlike tangs, which I'm waiting for my tank to mature a little more before adding them. I was thinking about getting a labotei wrasse in the future. They best price I've seen them for is about $200. The dragon wrasse is not reef safe because they move rock around and will attack inverts but I love mine and so far he's been good. As far as breeding goes no plans so far but we'll see.


it will kill u to know that i brough my Laboutei Fairy Wrasse for $20 AUD :D.
to make u feel better we pay about $180 for a Yellow Tang.
i love my Laboutei Fairy Wrasse hangs out with my six line. very hardy and not fussy when it comes food time. i think that if it is a wrasse ur interested in that it would be well worth the $200, that is in my expience. :happyfish


While I have this thread going may as well get some opinions I haven't decided on the Labotei or the Lineatus wrasse. So I'll post a pic of both and see what you think. I found a really good pick of the Lineatus but it was copywritten so I can't post it or the link to it because they sell fish there. This is the Labotei.


Active Member
Personally I like the Labotei's coloration a little better. But maybe if you could get a brighter pic of the other I would change my mind.


Oh the x-mas wrasse i have one. There awsome fish, cept i got mine a little bit before x-mas.

nm reef

Active Member
Only comment I have is this....absolutely great looks at some beautiful wrasse species!!! Great pics!!!:yes:


Active Member
How is your dragon wrasse doing in your reef? Gone after any snails yet? There was a dragon wrasse at the lfs where I work part time and I have to say it had one of the strongest personalities of any fish I've seen. Beautiful pics.