The clown trigger will grow to a foot and a half and kill everything in the tank with it if you make it past the very small size, in which they are quite delicate.
Expect a clown trigger to reach the same length and width as a football, then imagine a set of tinsnips for teeth.
A 110 gal. tank is actually only a moderate size for saltwater, and IMO is best for ambush predators such as scorpionfish, lionfish and smaller eels.
Scorpionfish, by the way, actually enjoy each others company with NO aggression among themselves and spend much of their time laying on the sand and in the LR, thus making a lot of swimming room unimportant.
Triggers do not go well with most other predatory species, as they often attack anything that is laying in one spot.....they have the teeth to make one bite at a time just fine, as opposed to fish like lions and groupers that swallow their prey whole.