The red sox won, white sox won... who's the most cursed professional team?



Are there any curses left in professional sports? I may be a homer but the detroit lions have the last curse in professional sports. These a--holes have won 1 playoff game since 1958. They change quarterbacks every couple years and can never seem to get it right. In short...THEY SUCK!!!


Active Member
the red sox are always gonna be cursed, now its gonna be the curse of Damon, no more world series for 86 years


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The Chicago Cubs and the curse of the Goat... I also think the the Braves are cursed in the post season...


Originally Posted by ruaround
The Chicago Cubs and the curse of the Goat... I also think the the Braves are cursed in the post season...
Cubs are a good point... Braves won it all in the 90's... once.


Active Member
The Braves did win the World Series in '95...but they always have one of the best records in baseball year after year, they have won thier division 10 years in a row, had 16 playoff appearences, and 5 World Series appearences... Only to win one World Championship
Thier luck is horrible in the post season, remember game 4 of the divisional series this year...ahead by 5 runs going into the bottom of the 8th and losing in the bottom of the 18th...


Originally Posted by ruaround
The Braves did win the World Series in '95...but they always have one of the best records in baseball year after year, they have won thier division 10 years in a row, had 16 playoff appearences, and 5 World Series appearences... Only to win one World Championship
Thier luck is horrible in the post season, remember game 4 of the divisional series this year...ahead by 5 runs going into the bottom of the 8th and losing in the bottom of the 18th...
the braves.. first round exit EVERY year


Originally Posted by ruaround
The Braves did win the World Series in '95...but they always have one of the best records in baseball year after year, they have won thier division 10 years in a row, had 16 playoff appearences, and 5 World Series appearences... Only to win one World Championship
Thier luck is horrible in the post season, remember game 4 of the divisional series this year...ahead by 5 runs going into the bottom of the 8th and losing in the bottom of the 18th...
I don't know if you can call this a curse... 10 straight division titles, 16 playoffs and 5 world series. Pretty much any city besides New York would trade with you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
I don't know if you can call this a curse... 10 straight division titles, 16 playoffs and 5 world series. Pretty much any city besides New York would trade with you.
I dont think Buffalo would trade...The Braves are the Bills of MLB


what about the Cleveland Indians, 1954 last world series win.... 1995, 1 pitch, 1 out away from winning the world series, and the ball gets hit back up the middle, thru the pitchers legs into center field for a GWRBI


Active Member
New Orleans Saints...some beleive it is becasue part of the LA Superdome is built on an old graveyard site.


Active Member
Cubs suck pretty bad
Saints definatly suck
i agree that the Braves go limp in the postseason
i would have to say a good curse is my Vikings- we are 0/4 in Bowl attempts.


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Originally Posted by COWFISHRULE
i would have to say a good curse is my Vikings- we are 0/4 in Bowl attempts.
Then we would also have to say the Bills are cursed too...they went to 4 straight Super Bowls and lost all of them...


OK, can we at least all agree that the detroit lions are currently the worst professional sports team? Any thoughts...


I would agree jcrim im a big lions fan but dang they arent doing anything that makes me wanna watch them!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
OK, can we at least all agree that the detroit lions are currently the worst professional sports team? Any thoughts...
Nah...Houston Texans...Neary a playoff appearance... What about the Atlanta Hawks or Portland Trail Balzers or Toronto Raptors or Memphis Grizzlies, or St. Louis Blues or San Jose Sharks...How about the Brewers???


Originally Posted by ruaround
Nah...Houston Texans...Neary a playoff appearance... What about the Atlanta Hawks or Portland Trail Balzers or Toronto Raptors or Memphis Grizzlies, or St. Louis Blues or San Jose Sharks...How about the Brewers???
There's a big difference between the lions and all of those teams... I DON'T LIVE IN ANY OF THOSE AREAS!!!!
I don't think the blazers have a bad franchise... generally they're not bottom dwellers. The grizzlies are decent under Jerry West. The blues and sharks are generally in the playoffs.
I guess I have to agree though, about the hawks, raptors and brewers... they suck.


How about the Phillies? They are closing in on 10,000 losses for the history of the team.
Very futile if you ask me :mad:


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
There's a big difference between the lions and all of those teams... I DON'T LIVE IN ANY OF THOSE AREAS!!!!
you still have the red wings and pistons...oh and eh hum the tigers EEWWWW...

well 2 outta 4 isn't bad...

How about the Arizona Cardinals???