the reef tank I am getting.

clown fish heir

New Member
I am getting a 125 g bow front tank. its will be a reef setup. (duh) its will have a flame angel, two percula clowns, and a yellow tang. I wanted to have a CBS and a pep shrimp, 30 blue legged hermit crabs, 5 scarlet legged crabs, a serpent star, and wanted lots of xenia coral, and 5 feather dusters. does this sound good?


Active Member
I haven't ever seen a 125g Bowfront before. You will have to share some photos once you get it up and running.
Is this an already running tank or are you settting it up brand new?
Your stocking list sounds pretty good so far, but I can tell you how I would do it:
*Blue leg hermits are good, but if you can......go with more of the Scarlets. The Scarlet hermits are less aggressive and you won't have as many "Unsolved Mysteries" going down in the tank with them.
*You will have to be cautious with your Flame Angel. Watch him closely and make sure that he doesn't have a taste for corals........some of them can be nippers. Also, dwarf angels are delicate fish and should probably be added once the tank is 6-12 months old.
*The Yellow Tang should be added last to the tank. They can be somewhat aggressive toward other tankmates and it is sometimes easier if they are added after the other fish have developed territories.
Your stocking list sounds light ( Which is a good thing. ) so your water quality should be easily maintained in a system that large.
Good luck.

clown fish heir

New Member
thanks ryebread! I heard from my uncle in vegas there a 125 g bowfronts for sale there for 175 dollars each. I am setting up a brand new tank. what about having 5 blue legged and 25 scarlets? I was gonna add the inverts first, then add two perculas, and wait about 6 months and see how it runs. then I wanted to add a flame angel. then 3 months after that add a yellow tang. is there any other fish better than the yellow tang that I should add? and yeah I didnt want to add to much. I am VERY careful with fishtanks.