The slow but sure progress of my aggressive tank


My tank has been developing slowly (lack of money) but it is finally getting there and I am soon going to get the livestock I want. Lets compare, my first pictures in the first post are from about Nov.-Dec. The second post ones are from pictures i took today.
Right now I have a Dwarf Zebra Lion and a SFE and I'm hoping to have another eel or two pretty soon.



The brain coral is fake, but looks pretty cool and adds color, and i just added the white peace of dead coral yestarday so it is bright white. I'm adding rock work slowly.
We put them on a track and they are amazing.



Originally Posted by jr2857
don't worry my tank sucks too. it only has fake decor

Well the only thing fake is the coral, and the best thing is, is that it will never die!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

My little green plant is real, I've had it since i got the rock and it keeps growing.


Originally Posted by AW2
The sliding door idea is great!
Can you explain how you did that?
My dad and I did it. We bought a 2 tracks that u can buy at lowe's (it actually has 2 tracks in each pack, so u buy 2 packs and end up having 4 tracks, 2 for each door) We then made the base. We put fluted wood with cuts made in them so the doors will fit between the base and the fluted wood. U have to have enought room for the track to be mounted (we cut into the 2x4 of the base to put the tracks on) then you do the same for the bottom. After that you paint, and mount the doors on. Because the paint sticks we used a candle to wax it and now it slides perfectly. It took a while (and cut off my dad's fingers, but luckily they are okay), and a lot of it is trial and error.
I did this run through really quickly, if u have any questions feel free to ask.


My tank may not be great right now, but just wait for a year and lets see what I have. I don't really like to jump into these projects (actually I want to and am very ancious, but i don't like spending so much money as soon as i get it), so im doing this really slowly. I'll get a piece of live rock here, a piece of baserock there, and eventually it all turns into lr. If u look at the first pictures, the two rocks ontop of my rockstructure were homemade with rock, and it now has coraline and can't be destiguished from the other rock. That piece of white coral will be the same way since my mom found it on the beach when it was completely dead and white years ago. Soon it will be purple. I'm excited about this eel tank though, it is going to look nice when I'm done.


Originally Posted by AW2
The sliding door idea is great!
Can you explain how you did that?
Those are ball bearing drawer slides. Nice Idea Great Work.


Originally Posted by creative
Those are ball bearing drawer slides. Nice Idea Great Work.
Yep, that is exactly what it is, ty for clarifying for me. I have a computer desk a few feet back, so door's that open all the way would have been a problem, and the sliding doors are perfect for spaces that are confined in the front. PS. Make sure u have room on the sides lol, I would hate for anyone else to use this idea withotu thinking it through.
We are going to make a top, and we might be using the same idea, where the top is split in half and they slide out which will get u full access to the tank (as long as the wood is lightweight). Not positive on this though.


another benefit to having the sliding doors is that since they are closed most of the time and are never hanging while closed (have constant support under them) they will last for as long as everything else (unlike my other cabnet we built years ago for my other 90, the doors opened regularly and didn't have support, and now they arn't straight, and gravity has done its job). If anyone is thinking of using this idea for a cabinet, u can email me at and I can try to give u a good runthrough of what we did.