The Sponge-Like Thing:



Forgot what someone called it, but there is a large sponge like thing that covers about 25-30% of one of my rocks (a 5-7lb rock).
It has three clear tube like openings to filter water with. It is brownish/yellowish/ whitish
I never remove the rock from the water... but the sponge could get air via trapped bubbles from water changes, etc.
The queston is... can even a little die off from the "sponge" cause my NitrAtes to stay high? (among other factors, I know).
If I move the rock some of the sponge stuff comes off and floates around. I want to take the rock out and scrub the sponge off.
What do you think?


If it is coming apart be simply moving the rock a little I would say that it is dieing or dead. I would go with the removal of it to make sure it doesnt fowl your water.


It's history. Took out the rock, placed it in a bucket of my change out saltwater and scrubbed off the sponge stuff (very well). Rinsed the rock again several times in fresh change out (salt) water and returned it to the tank.
Intersting is at the bottom of the bucket with pieces of the sponge are all sorts of flea like bugs (don't have a microscope) - I'm just lettin them swim around in the bottom of the bucket. No way that water is touching my tank.


those flea like bugs sound like some sort of pods. Which are a good thing. Do search on pods and try to match up any pictures. If they are pods I would put them back in the sand


Dunno. They are too small for me to see. I'll have to invest in or borrow a microscope. I know they are good and have plenty of them in my 100 lbs of LR :).
These particular one's are in a bucket of change-out water, w/ a filter pad, heater and small amount of current. Gonna let it run and see what I find. If it gets stinky, I'll toss it.
Sandy the mad scientest.:D