----- the stupid shark!


we got a bamboo cat shark about 2 weeks ago with a lion fish. there both babys. and the lion eats the crill just fine and the stupid shark wont eat it. so i was told try squid. so i did and it nibbels and swims away.. also tryed garlic, no luck.. serously im about ready to ship his stuborn butt back. some one help me!


Originally Posted by zdthompson
we got a bamboo cat shark about 2 weeks ago with a lion fish. there both babys. and the lion eats the crill just fine and the stupid shark wont eat it. so i was told try squid. so i did and it nibbels and swims away.. also tryed garlic, no luck.. serously im about ready to ship his stuborn butt back. some one help me!

from what ive heard bamboo sharks especially when there babys are hard to feed you can get them to eat crill or anything else that your lion will but at first you need to feed him live food like little freshwater guppys
or you might try target feeding him with a feeder stick but ya you need to start him with live food then try and slowly chane to crill
it will work


Maybe you didn't do enough research before this purchase. Baby Sharks are very hard to get to start eating, thats why its best to purchase juvenile specimens already excepcting frozen food. Keep trying, you can also try Silversides, Squid again. Make sure the peices are small enough for him/her to eat and ensure the lights are off becasue they are nocturnal feeders.


Active Member
from what ive heard bamboo sharks especially when there babys are hard to feed you can get them to eat crill or anything else that your lion will but at first you need to feed him live food like little freshwater guppys
you cant feed saltwater fish freshwater food its very bad for them.. so scrap that idea..
second we need more info such as whats the tank size> other tankmates? water parameters? how long has the tank been setup? rock etc.
shark pups are very hard to get to eat and IMO need a very stable system with a few caves to hide in for him to feel comfotable and start to eat
the be3st thing to try is go buy some silversides put one ont he feeding stick and make it look like it is swimming around, this trick sometimes works.. the garlic is a good idea.. make sure the pices of food are cut up small enough that he can easily eat them maybe even smaller than normal, big pieces of food can intimidate a pup..


Active Member
After my bamboo shark hatched he wouldn't eat anything for about 2 weeks, then he would only eat a small amount some times. Now he eats EVERYTHING.
Your bamboo is likely very newly hatched and is still full from his yolk, or stressed from shipping. Keep trying to feed it every night about an hour after the lights go out, and hopefully soon it will start eating.


my perm are perfect other then my tank needs a water change and that is only due to my haveing the shark and the lion in it.
i moved the lion to its new home the 150 and the shark is still in the 50 till the water cycles again in the 150. th3 50 has on large chunk of rock thats 28 pounds and has a cave like think under it.... the under side has a big u shape cut out on it. and there is nother piese thats tall and leaning on a corner so he has some where else as well.
i dont belive he is much older then maybe a month. the place i got him from had 2 sharks in there giant clam tank and another on in a sep tank in its egg still. all the fish there looked verry healthy and so did there corals and anom. right size tank for fishes and what not.
right now my shark is only with some type of dmasel and that is it. the lion ate all the other damsils and gobbies.
i tryed crill did not work.
tried sqid nibbeled then wanted nothing with it. these are all done by stick. we have gone as far as to pic it up and try to feed it nope dont work
fudge this sucks


Active Member
i moved the lion to its new home the 150 and the shark is still in the 50 till the water cycles again in the 150
so you have a lionfish in an uncycled tank?
keep the shark in the 50 until he gets eating


Active Member
Originally Posted by zdthompson
my perm are perfect other then my tank needs a water change and that is only due to my haveing the shark and the lion in it.
i moved the lion to its new home the 150 and the shark is still in the 50 till the water cycles again in the 150. th3 50 has on large chunk of rock thats 28 pounds and has a cave like think under it.... the under side has a big u shape cut out on it. and there is nother piese thats tall and leaning on a corner so he has some where else as well.
i dont belive he is much older then maybe a month. the place i got him from had 2 sharks in there giant clam tank and another on in a sep tank in its egg still. all the fish there looked verry healthy and so did there corals and anom. right size tank for fishes and what not.
right now my shark is only with some type of dmasel and that is it. the lion ate all the other damsils and gobbies.
i tryed crill did not work.
tried sqid nibbeled then wanted nothing with it. these are all done by stick. we have gone as far as to pic it up and try to feed it nope dont work
fudge this sucks
Thats exactly how my shark acted after it was born, some foods she would only nibble at. like i said in the earlier post keep trying to feed it something about an hour or so after your lights go out. I hatched mine in a 29 gal biocube and let it stay there for 2 or 3 weeks, then moved it into my 265. Right before i moved it out of the 29gal it would only nibble like u said before, after i moved it into my 265 it stopped eating all together for about 4 or 5 days now every time i feed my fish she sticks her head out from under her rock and starts smelling around. She will eat 2 or 3 pieces of frozen krill every night.


no the 150 is cycled the lfs said it will cycle again based on the perm, but they said the lion is hardy enough to be ok.
im ganna see what happens with the shark tonight the lights have only been off for 45 min so wish me luck