The Tangs


New Member
Beutfull Razeor The hippo is outstanding. One Qustiaon I Thought you could only keep one tang of any kind in a tank. You have three. How did you do that? Do thay Fight a lot?:notsure:
Sorry for the spelling


nice tangs! is that a coral beauty i spot on the right blurry in that one shot? pretty pretty fish :)
you must have an enormous tank! Nice pictures :)


Active Member

Originally posted by Sharkbaite
Beutfull Razeor The hippo is outstanding. One Qustiaon I Thought you could only keep one tang of any kind in a tank. You have three. How did you do that? Do thay Fight a lot?:notsure:
Sorry for the spelling

Actually they dont fight at all.. and the Naso saved the Hippo IMO.. The hippo wasnt eating for going on three weeks and the Naso was introduced into the tank and got the hippo moving around and eating.


Active Member

Originally posted by LionStorm
nice tangs! is that a coral beauty i spot on the right blurry in that one shot? pretty pretty fish :)
you must have an enormous tank! Nice pictures :)

Well its just big enough to house the fish i have now. No others will be added as this is a reef tank *grin*..
My goal is after my wedding and we get back from the honeymoon.. I want to setup a 220gal .. I have it on order and will be building it into the wall in the bacement.. Cant wait :) First things first though


Active Member

Originally posted by ejensen
Nice tangs. You better run because I'm sure the Tang police are going to come after you.

Im within the limits for all three of these tangs IMO... but I recommend caution for anyone who has a reef and gets a Naso and NEVER put two naso tangs in the same tank....
Even though it is relatively non-aggressive towards most fish the Naso Tang is not considered reef safe and should be kept only in community fish aquariums. In addition Naso Tangs our best kept singly since they can fight with each other and the sharp knives at the base of their tail can inflict a great deal of damage.


I just said that because the tang or what ever the case police always make it seem like you can't put anything in your tank. It was more of a joke than anything. Everyone have their own ways of doing things with success.