The tank update


New Member
Hey Fellow tankers!
O.K. All the advice and info has worked well.Update: The fish I took back all lived at the store for two weeks while my tank finished cycling.The fire angle developed pop eye and died.But the hippo tang is fine.The clown fish stayed in the tank and have done very well.The live rock has returned back to amazing color and all the vegitation on it is still going fine.(Almost 60lbs of live rock)The clean up crew I bought from this site worked out well except off the front glass they just do not clean there that much.The star fish (green brittle I believe) came with two in the bag.i thought this was odd but they are both in the tank and seem to be doing well.
I have a 55 gal. tank. live sand (50 lbs.) live rock (almost 60 lbs.)
All levels perfect.So now I want to add more fish.Suggestions on type and how many.I am not listening to the reconmondations of the store after the first info being so wrong.So give some ideas to what fish might go well with the clowns.I like fish with personality and differant looking fish.The clowns are almost one inch in size.I am working on pics of tank.All feed back would help.
Always grateful

david t.

you can go with a bi color blenny. I think that they are kool and they have there own personaltiy. Or mabe a fire fish they are verry pretty with a lot of different color.:)


Active Member
I've always liked different hawkfish. They seem to recognize you when you walk in the room. Not sure what other people think of these little fish, but mine were always reef friendly.