The Un-dead fish???


Can saltwater fish come back from the dead? LOL. I know this is probably the stupidest question ever asked, but seriously.... A few weeks ago one of our damn damsels was almost white and barely swimming. I wanted to take it out of its misery but Clint insisted that we let it die. Well, we NEVER found the fish, but assumed it had died. Well, tonight it suddenly reappeared. It still looks like hell, but it blew our minds.
What would cause a fish to disappear for several weeks and then suddenly reappear? Is this something we should be concerned about?
Thank a million!


Active Member
Originally Posted by FalynHarris
. I know this is probably the stupidest question ever asked,
not even close to the stupidest question ever asked.
my guess is he was probably hiding someplace he felt secure untill he started feeling a little better sick fish often hide because they know they are vulnerable. that one reason most peoples fish just "dissapear" they get sick hide die in hiding then the clean up crew dispatches the corpse, wich is never seen by the owner so to the owner it just dissapeared but in reality the great circle of life just kept on turning.
I would have to agree with the post above, the fish was sick it went and hide. But if the fish is still looking ill, IMO it more than likely is still ill. If you have a QT you may want to take him out and give him his own tank to heal in.


Active Member
heck, i found a chromis on my carpet. don't knw how long he was there, plopped him back in the tank cause i saw movement, and he's still alive :)
glad you found it again :)


I had all my fish in buckets a couple of weeks ago for a move and we got a hard snag and the fish started dying from deprivation a few we picked up with no movement and dropped back in the buckets and started stirring the water with the cup and 4 of the 5 dead ones came back to life and are doing great now