The usual Lighting question


Active Member
Hey all,
Sorry to post the same old question that 300 other threads ask each day but I looked and I am just not quite sure if this will work or not. This is for my dad's new tank so I figured I would post here (because of course his son doesn't know more than him about anything LOL). He has a 150 tall tank. It is 48 long x 30 tall x 24 wide and he is trying to decide on a light for it. Will one of the TEK 8x54 watt fixtures (individual reflectors) be enough lighting for his tank (considering the depth) to have SPS and clams. He hasn't decided for sure that he wants either of the two of those, but he is the type of person that would always rather have the capabilities to do it, whether or not he ever wants to or not.
Thanks, and again, sorry for the repetitive post.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sk8shorty01
Hey all,
Sorry to post the same old question that 300 other threads ask each day but I looked and I am just not quite sure if this will work or not. This is for my dad's new tank so I figured I would post here (because of course his son doesn't know more than him about anything LOL). He has a 150 tall tank. It is 48 long x 30 tall x 24 wide and he is trying to decide on a light for it. Will one of the TEK 8x54 watt fixtures (individual reflectors) be enough lighting for his tank (considering the depth) to have SPS and clams. He hasn't decided for sure that he wants either of the two of those, but he is the type of person that would always rather have the capabilities to do it, whether or not he ever wants to or not.
Thanks, and again, sorry for the repetitive post.
IMO not directly on the bottom NO... even though the tek's are the top of the line I still think that at 30" tall plus 4" or so for mounting its too tall. However 22 to 20" up on the LR is good to go.


Active Member
Ok cool, thanks.
Well to add a question now that I have a response, can a clam be up on the rock work or does it need to be in the sand bed?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sk8shorty01
Ok cool, thanks.
Well to add a question now that I have a response, can a clam be up on the rock work or does it need to be in the sand bed?
I dont think it NEEDS to be on the rock work, but I can see that on the sand bed that the sand itself my irritate it. But I dont have any experience with them so dont quote me on that.


Active Member
Oh ok thanks again PerfectDark...
I have noticed that most people have them sitting on their sand bed in their tanks, or at least it looks like they are on the sand bed, so I didnt know if that was where clams needed to be for a particular reason. Thanks for your input, and if anyone else has any comments let me know. I am trying to get a couple of responses so that my dad can read them all and come up with his own plan of action (as if it is just me, I am probably wrong in his mind lol).


Active Member
Since the last post I did some digging.
It appears that the reason the clam is best suited on the sand bed is because they attach them selves to what ever they are on. Their Byssal organ (or their foot) will attach and become impossible to remove. So, if you were to place it on a lg piece of LR then your in trouble once it attaches if you have to move anything. And its very bad for them to tear their foot. Its recomended that another clam shell or smooth stone be used for them to attach too first before you place them where you want them to be.


Active Member
Cool. Thanks again!
I am definitely going to tell him about the clam shell idea, thats a good way around it.