there goes the neighborhood


Active Member
I too live in the armpit - didn't know he was all that bad. Please, enlighten me so that I might have something new to fret over.


Active Member
IMO he's just another millionaire wanna be politician who believes in nothing but stuffing his pockets as well as his chronies at our expense. Cody was doing a good job ... of course now he's gone. But hey we're from Jersey .... we should be used to getting screwed! :mad:


Active Member
hey man, I just moved here. I'm from Philly - where we have the illustrious Mayor Stupi....uh, Street. I feel your pain.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bigarn
. Cody was doing a good job ... of course now he's gone. But hey we're from Jersey .... we should be used to getting screwed! :mad:

please tell me your joking about Cody doing a good job....


Active Member
Not joking ... considering he unexpectedly inherited this mess, I feel he was doing a good job. JMO


Active Member
ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm we have Arnold Swartzanager as our Governor........................................I will leave it at that.....................................


i beat all of you
keep in mind im a rep
bush is gov of fla
im ok with dubbua but jeb can go choke on a ====> hamburger


Active Member
apparently our state doesn't believe in evolution.
plus we have a great american called fred phelps living 20min away who exploits little kids to protest anything and everything. small town football star died in iraq and he brought his kid crew to protest when they retired his jersey at the high school game. luckily we had about 400 harley war veteran bikers there. they made a circle around the field with thier arms crossed and took care of business.
if kansas isn't the most idiotic state, tell me why we've been republican forever.


i live in NJ and i gotta say i think our state is going to look dumb after these recent elections. I think this only because we had 2 grown men, telling the world that the other guy was a slimeball or did this wrong.
Hope this doesnt offend anyone but i think its true.