There Is No Way That This Is Good. Oh No !!!!


Started a carbon treatment yesterday afternoon and THIS started happening to my yellow tang.
If you look on the side, it is like its scales are peeling away. I thought I saw a little dot earlier today and NOW.......ITS GETTING BIGGER AND BIGGER.
per Beths instructions. here are the details.
< 48 hrs this has been happening BUT, the scales falling off have happened in < 12 hrs
full reef tank, live coral etc etc, one purple tang, Niger Trigger, green chromis

  • 80 gal been up and running for 2.5 years

      • feeding frozen brine shrimp soaked in garlic, seaweed.

          • no new additions.
          have had the tang for more than 2 months. No QT
      • no treatment so far
      All water perameters look good.
    PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Staff member
Hard to see it exactly, does it look like an irregular shaped cotton ball, or just scales missing? If the latter, it may be the beginnings of Head and Lateral Line Erosion, which is consistent with the use of carbon. If its the former, then it may be lymphocyctis.
Check out the FAQ Topic stickied at the top of this form for details on both ailments. That tang is malnourished BTW, so you need to get busy feeding him adequately.


Originally Posted by Beth
Hard to see it exactly, does it look like an irregular shaped cotton ball, or just scales missing? If the latter, it may be the beginnings of Head and Lateral Line Erosion, which is consistent with the use of carbon. If its the former, then it may be lymphocyctis.
Check out the FAQ Topic stickied at the top of this form for details on both ailments. That tang is malnourished BTW, so you need to get busy feeding him adequately.

Hi Beth and thank you
It is definitly scales coming off, not cotton ball like. It was REALLY small and sped up fast as far as the scales coming off.
I dont see the FAQ Topic stickied that you were refering to. Can you please direct me.
thank you


Why were you running the carbon? He looks plump, that is that is from the brine. Brine is like candy. It has no nutritional value but fills them up. It can make them plump while they are deprived of the nutrition that they need. Pick up frozen formula foods for tangs, or make your own. Beth has directions in her Common Treatments FAQ (the same one that you got the information on how to post in this forum, just scroll down). Dose his foods with a rotation of Vitachem and Zoecon.
Carbon would not cause this in a matter of 12-48 hrs. Has your trigger been picking on him? A mark right on the side like that seems like it may have been a bite.