There should be a sticky on acclimating Starfish


Active Member
I think there should be one because there are alot of post saying "My star died why?" and posts like "how do you prevent acclimation shock for Blue Linka stars?" and stuff like that.


Active Member
Well. Know one wants to do this. Okay then, I guess I will have to give it a shot! I was googling "How to acclimate blue linka starfish" but nothing good.
So now, I want you gies to give as much info as possible. When I get enogh, I will try my best to make directions.
(I will mention the people who help me when I write it and when I get enogh info)


I think it should begin with:
Have proper water conditions to house this invert which means SG of 1.024-1.026 measured with a refractometer.
Buy from a reputable place that will have the shipping water at no lower than SG 1.023
Spend about 1 hr drip acclimation per .001 SG difference