thermoelectric chiller


I added some new PCs to my tank (had 2, added 4 more 96W) and now my temp is running too high, once up to 86. I have turned off 3 of the PCs and the temp is OK but I want to run them all SOOOOOOOOOO I have to buy a chiller. I found some that were 5-800 dollars and some others that were only 300. The $300 were "thermoelectric chillers". Are they any good? Does anyone have one of these- Aquamedic T150, or one similar? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.:rolleyes:


Active Member

Originally posted by drgriff
I added some new PCs to my tank (had 2, added 4 more 96W) and now my temp is running too high, once up to 86. I have turned off 3 of the PCs and the temp is OK but I want to run them all SOOOOOOOOOO I have to buy a chiller. I found some that were 5-800 dollars and some others that were only 300. The $300 were "thermoelectric chillers". Are they any good? Does anyone have one of these- Aquamedic T150, or one similar? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.:rolleyes:

I would really like to know if anyone is running this chiller too. Nobody???


Just a thought, but have you tried using a fan to blow the hot air from the light fixture away from the aquarium? It'll prolly make some difference, just get an AC- computer fan, the one's with the outlet plug in them already, and just mount it to your aquarium. Should help a tad... Of course I'm just generalizing, there is prolly a standard way to mount the fan...


I have a retro PC light, I bought three 1 inch (instead of the usual 3 or 4 inches) computer fan, and mounted them in a piece of wood, put it at the openning end and blow the air out of the fan. I have them on all the time and my temp is ok at around 80 with the light on all day.


Active Member

Originally posted by wid
I have a retro PC light, I bought three 1 inch (instead of the usual 3 or 4 inches) computer fan, and mounted them in a piece of wood, put it at the openning end and blow the air out of the fan. I have them on all the time and my temp is ok at around 80 with the light on all day.

Great idea for sure guys, the only problem is my light box already has that :) it helps for sure. BTW if you get the cover on it you can squish the carbon filter from a hepa filter over it to keep the dust out of ur light box.