Thermos Trade?


Would anyone be interested in doing a round robin like thermos trade? I did one recently where we traded 3 zoo frags it was neat. I would like to start another one if some others would like to. I think it would be interesting to do one with 3-4 frags we could all decide on that but instead of them all being one type of coral have them different. For instance we could do 1 zoo, mushroom, polyp, and maybe just something you throw in at random. We could make guidelines like no ugly zoos, if everyone sends a nice frag we all win. Frag sizes would also be an issue I would suggest 3-5 zoos, 2-3 mushrooms, if we do polyps say 3-5 on those also, and if we do another softie it needs to be something established and growing. What do you all think? These are just some ideas any thoughts are welcome. If enough people are interested I will set a time frame in another post.


I'm in! I have orange zoos with green centers, yellow polyps, and rust red shrooms! I could also throw in GSP...have lots of that!


Cool! I say we let people post for a week or two then randomly set people up to trade with. I have several zoos, green star polyps, green clove polyps, anthelia, several different mushrooms, & i'm sure there's a couple other things I can pick from to send out.


OK what kind of opinions do you all have on the size of the frags? Personally i'm ok with 5 polyps on the zoos, 2 mushrooms, would you rather it be the 3 or 4 frags? Either is fine with me.


Active Member
I'm game for whatever is agreed on. i dont even know how a thermos trade works, i just want to trade for different corals.


Once everyone that wants to join gets signed up, which by the way I think we should let people have until either this Fri. the 16 or next Fri. the 23rd to sign up, whichever you guys prefer. Once we get to the deadline day I will randomly put all the names of the people that signed up on a list:
Person1 will send a frag pack to person 2, person 2 will send a frag pack to person 3. person 3 will send to person4, person4 (whoever is last on the list) will send to person 1.
As far as sending the frags, you get a cheap thermos, I found some at wal-mart for $2.00. The ones I found were short only about 4 in. tall & had a really wide mouth which was great for being able to fit the corals in. Then you take the frags your going to send, for instance the last trade I did was for 3 frags of zoos. I put a small amount of water in a baggie, if you can get the ones the fish stores use that great if not regular baggies work just fine. Then I took one frag of the zoos & wrapped it in a piece of a paper bag & stuck it in the baggie with the water. Tie it off with a rubberband then stick it inside another baggie & tie it off the same way just in case the first one leaks. Then you pack the rest of your frags the same way, put them all inside the thermos, put it inside the box to be sent & fill the remaining space with bubble wrap or something else to keep everything from moving around. Then you send it out. We used either UPS ground or USPS priority either way it takes 2 days.
Let me know if any of this is confusing & i'll answer any questions you have. It worked really well on the last trade I did & it was neat to get some frags of new stuff for basically the cost of shipping plus the thermos. The frags I allready had.


count me in.. i have a few diffenet things. like GSP, blue shrooms, red shrooms ,green shrooms, xeina (not sure how it will ship) and colt that i could frag


I would like to do this, but have a a few questions. whats the minimum number of frags 3 or 4, Do you think xenia would make it, and corals like colt coral should be attached to a rock, right?


I was actually asking for opinions on the 3-4 frags, if anyone has a prefrence feel free to say so. If most everyone has enough for 4 we can do 4 if not then we can do 3. I have heard that xenia does not ship well so I would think that wouldn't be a very good candiate to ship. I would look in the shipping & handling thread of this section of this thread for advice if your not sure. Yes I would think the colt coral would need to be attached to a small rock, but somebody correct me if i'm wrong.


Sign me up! I think a thermos trade would be really cool. to maybe get some things that are hard to get or that you don;t see in certain parts of the country. I would prefer 4 frags. Are we going to send different frags or something like just Zoos or just mushrooms, ect.....?


OK if no one else objects we will send out 4 frags. I will leave the list open until next Friday June 23. Sometime over the weekend I will post a random list of who everyone will trade with. Then on Monday we can send out the packages. As far as the types of frags maybe it'll help if we have a list i'll start one & if anyone wants to add to it that's fine:
zoos- 1 frag will consist of 5 polyps min.
mushrooms- 1 frag will consist of 3 (mounted or unmounted)
Ricordea-use your own judgement(I don't have any of these therefore i'm not sure of the cost involved with them if someone wants to nominate a size that's fine)
various soft polyps such as green clove- 3-5 (just use your judgement some cost more so you may only want to send 3)
other soft corals- this is one you have to use your own judgement on just make sure that they will ship ok I would think most everyone will want to use the 2 day priority so we have to pick things that will make it
all other- if you have something not listed you can either ask or if you know it will survive the shipping then feel free & again use your own judgement as to the size
I think it would be fine for everyone to pick from whichever categorites they want depending on what they have to trade. For example if you a zoo nut & have a ton of them you can send 4 frags of zoos if you want just make sure they are different. If you want to send 2 mushroom frags & 2 zoo frags that's fine as lond as they are different. Mix it up & hopefully everyone will be pleased with what they get!!!


Here's a list so far of everyone that has signed up:
there were a few more people that were interested but had questions & never actually said they were in. I don't want anybody to feel left out, just want to make sure you want on the list. I'll update the list as it grows & then as I said earlier i'll mix it all up and post a final list of who's trading with who next weekend.


CJEFFERY I dont think I will have my stuff ready in time. but hopefully I can get in on the next one if all goes well.


Im in. but please, please no more shrooms. I am loaded with em. so maybe match me up w/ someone who wants shrooms and wants to send some zoos. I also have other zoos, gsp, and xenia I can send them so they wont just get shrooms. Thanks, Noah