These 2 tangs *okay* in a 90?...


I already have a royal gramma, a flame angel, and a lot of inverts. Its been up for just over 3 months, and my macro is everywhere. I just wanted to add a juvenile kole tang...
I will be adding another Centropyge sp later... havent decided...
I know koles are not very aggressive, and I will be adding one for sure. I also wanted a pb tang, but I know there would be too many problems between the two later on in a 90. What about a purple tang? Could I add one last or will it torment the kole?
also, does anyone know of differences between koles from different areas [hawaii, christmas islands, fiji....]?
Drew :)


Active Member
Yopu would probably need to add a smaller purple tang after you added the kole. If there is a decent size differance then there should not be a problem.
how about this. DON'T ADD ANYTHING! the tank is only three months old! take it slow. you can't recreate the world over night. ;)


2 tangs are okay in a 90 I think. As long as they are not the same in shape and have some hiding places to retreat to whenever harassed. You should wait a little while longer though I agree your tank is still young and a young tank can go out of whack very quickly. But don't be discouraged. It can be done.I hope this helps you.
p.s be sure to have plenty of LR where they can graze.
Happy Fish Keepin'


yup, I have a lot of LR... about 140+lbs...
and calm down lotr... Ive had it up for 3 months and it took me forever before I even considered adding a fish.
and if I put the kole in, the angel wouldnt go in for at least another month... just to clarify so you dont pop a gasget or anything.
I was asking if they would be okay later on. Im not stupid to add both or even three fish at once....
Drew :)


dont asume that the kole wont want to defnd his territory. My kole is very agressive and does tries to kill everyting that i have put in my tank except my eel.


In college, my kole stabbed the crap out of my raccoon butterfly, killing it.
But my tank was a lot smaller than a 90, and I still think kole's are cool fish if you do your homework. I didn't.
I have 3 tangs, a yellow, purple and a naso in a 125 gallon tank. They all get along NOW, at first they didn't but there is peace in the tank now :) Good luck!
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