these are better pics


I am trying to get some close ups but I fear these are as good as my camera will take. To answer some questions from my earlier thread: My tank is almost 3 yrs old and is not custom. I just had it painted instead of stained. See bio below. I had help with the initial set up but have been on mine own since then with advice from this site.
Wow that is some serious coralline growth. I like the green chromis, they are probably one of my favorites. Some day I would like to have a big enough tank to have a school of 10-30 of them.

aunt mini

New Member
Your fish are purty.
Some day I'd like to have a tank like yours but I worry about my cat (Annie) as she might try to jump in!
How long will the cardinal hold those eggs in his mouth?;)


Wow I love that color. How long have you had your tank and how did you grow such pretty coralline:D


My coralline growth is a mystery to me. I started my tank 3 yrs ago with all uncured live rock. I didn't add any corals for a long time and i keep my calcium level up. That's all.


dont go halide if you like that coloration, my buddy had a tank that looked just like that and within a week of mounting some 400 watt halides about half the coraline turned white on him :(
awesome rock work by the way.


Active Member
How old is the sandbed? How do you keep the coraline off the you clean the back glass off?? That is some nice colorful rock!!:)