these lights for coral?



I have recently bout a used 12 gal. nano but the lights didnt work on it. I bout a coral life 18 watt set up, will corals be able to live inder that? The corals I want are zoos, green star pollyups, colt and a few mushrooms. ?Thanks


dude ur weird( probably code) y would I give it to code when he has less watts in his lights then me and right now my corals are under a 175 MH on a 20 gal buddy!


Honestly, I don't think that's enough. I kept corals in my 12g nano when it was up and running and I thought the lights were sufficient. However, once I moved them into my 75g with 250 watts, they've almost tripled in size. Let me see if I can attach some pictures. This is my torch coral inside my nano:


I'm a terrible photographer, but I think my corals look so much healthier with better lighting. I just don't think 18 watts will cut it. The lighting I had in my nano was the 24 watt (I think), and while it might be okay for the short-term, I don't know about long-term. All I know is that I saw a significant difference once I moved everything over. There were even several occasions when I thought my coral might be dying in the nano. For what it's worth, that's my 2 cents. Good luck to you! :joy:


Active Member
You may be able to keep some of things alive with that light. But they wouldn't thrive and might lose a little color. Maybe you could add a retrofit and double your current lighting. That would make it a little easier.
3-5 watts per gallon atleast. So the very least you would need should be 36 watts but you should go 48 or higher. 18 wouldn't work. The shrooms they would because they like low light but other corals it wouldn't.


not trying to hijack the thread, but what is the length of the 12g tank? I have the 20" powerquad by coralife over my 10g and it is great, it is 96w and was around $80 for the the lighting.


Active Member
Another thing you could try if you don't have the money for the expensive light is this: Coralife PC 20 watt 50/50 10,000K screw in bulbs. I use two of these in my incandescent hood if you have this and I keep assorted mushrooms, feather dusters, tube anemone. All these are really easy keeping corals. I certainly would not be able to keep anything that requires stronger lights than this.
However, I do believe though that if you could provide better lights than what I mentioned above you would see a huge difference in results.