These microbubbles are making me crazy


I have a 55 and a 40 gal dt both tied to my 30 gal sump/fuge. The return pump is a mag 9.5, it y's off to two 1'' ball valves for flow control. 1'' spa line is used for all feed/return lines. The micro bubbles created are making me crazy.
Any ideas are welcome...


Active Member
do u have a protein skimmer...maybe thats wats causing all the bubbles...if its new give it time....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pumper
I have a 55 and a 40 gal dt both tied to my 30 gal sump/fuge. The return pump is a mag 9.5, it y's off to two 1'' ball valves for flow control. 1'' spa line is used for all feed/return lines. The micro bubbles created are making me crazy.
Any ideas are welcome...
Could be a variety of things. It's hard to determine with the info you gave. Post up some pics of the setup and more info on whats going on.


Please excuse the seaclone skimmer. I have a diy skimmer in progress and a great modification diy project to make the seaclone useful. It's not that bad the nitrates in my tanks are always <5ppm.



Active Member
how many baffles do u have between the skimmer area and the return pump area...looks like its a waterfall u got going there..that might be causing some bubbles..not sure tho...


Active Member
or actually lower the output of ur return pump so the water level there can be higher so no water falling...


Active Member
lowering the output will not increase the water level in the last section. extra baffles could solve the issue though.


Active Member
No woriies about the seaclone,
but no matter what mods you do to it, it will still be crap. Been there, done that.
That T that is on the output of the pump, before the ball valve, what the H^&L is that for? you should cap it if it isn't already. You can make a slide of some sorts to keep the water fall from being an issue from the crapclone(I had one also once.
). Additionally, not having a bubble trap before a return pump IMO is a bad move. You are witness to it. When the flow is slow, it isn't much of an issue, but when you flow much faster it is. Additionally, having the water just water fall into the return pump section is not good. Top it off higher if your backwash will allow. This will stop the waterfall from being an issue.
This is why I say there is more to a sump than just a box with some baffles in it. Not only getting the water to flow through it non-problematically, but also effectively. They don t have to be real complex, but there is some degree of thought that needs to go into it.


Active Member
Hey is there a good material to use, flexible but holds form, to use to make a slide to prevent the waterfall in the return pump section? I have a bit of a problem with that myself and have been trying to come up with a good solution.


Active Member
Definately the water falling from the fuge into the return chamber. If you have room adding another baffle will address some of this, putting an elbow facing downward on that pvc attached the mag will help. Or maybe putting a bulkhead in the baffle equalizing the levels in the two sections. And allowed water to flow between the two sections without it overflowing the baffle.