These three fish?


If I did a FOWLR & LS...could I have an Emporer and a Naso Tang both in a 125 gallon. If the tank was well established of course.
And could a Mandarin live with them if there was enough copepods for him? <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


O.k where's the sharks out there? :) I really want to know if the Emporer and Naso would be compatible.... and would the Mandarin being such a small guy be affected by the Angel in eating or anything.
Please answer those two questions...just for some extra knowledge on my part. <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


Active Member
I have an emperor and a sohal in the same 125 and they are fine. My bet is that the naso w/b ok also. I'm not in favor of keeping mandarin's. They often starve to death.
Good luck!


That would be so neat to have both!! :D And thanks for answering me. That would not be overcrowding to have to 15 inchers in a 125 gallon? As far as o.k swimming space?