They are at it again!!! Need help


OK my clowns are laying eggs as I type. This is the second batch. The first ones hatched, but didn't make it as they hatched at night. I cant remove the rock the eggs are on. I have a very simple question. Can I remove the eggs from the rock with someting like a turkey baster and put them into a breeder net? Will this kill the eggs? Any suggestions?


Active Member
i think the eggs will die. once they start breeding they will breed every 2-3 weeks for a while. after this batch place a small piece of glass right where they are laying the eggs. if u get lucky they will lay it on the glass. then u can remove it and place the eggs in a tank with NO flow. only air stones. and u have to feed them live rotifers like cope pods and live baby brine shrimp. also phytoplex. its very challenging. good luck.