They can't do that!?! Can they???


So I have been doing research on lighting and canopies.
Basically trying to find the best lighting, that can go under a canopy, with a couple extra fans (if needed), but not to having to mount directly onto canopy (maybe mounted on brackets / legs, laying on glass top, etc).
I know you can with Compact Flourescents, maybe T5's, but not recommended for Halides.
Anyways, I was in a local petstore (not Aquarium / fish store, but generic pet store).
They just set up a new 60 gallon salt water tank (with a wood stand and canopy).
I was curious and checked out the filters (standard overflow, wet dry w/ skimmer under stand).
Then I looked under the canopy, they had a:
Aqualight Pro HQI/Compact Fluorescent/Lunar Light Fixture Fixture
Sitting on the lip / edge of the tank (no glass top), about 2 inchs from direct contact with water.
Per the manufactures specs (because I had done a lot of research), and they were one of the few who clearly states:
Fixture Installation Safety Note:
[list type=decimal]
This fixture is for use over covered aquariums only.
This fixture should not be installed in a canopy.

This fixture should not be placed directly on glass coverings.
It is recommended that the Aqualight Pro Fixture be placed over your aquarium with either the Aqualight Pro mounting legs or the Aqualight Pro suspension hardware-hanging device.
[/list type=decimal]
What am I missing?
I know some people say with proper cooling and ventelation you can keep any light under a canopy, but this set up had no extra fans?
And the light seemed very close to the water?
Opinions / comments anyone?
It just bothered me to see someone doing something I thought you could'nt do.....


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't install a halide any closer than 10" from the water. Spashes can cause the hot glass to shatter. Your question all depends on what risks you are willing to take. Do you remove the do not remove tags from your pillows or new comforters? Do you go a little over the speed limit? Same thing - some fixtures you can get away with installing in a wooden canopy despite manufactorers orders, provided ventilation and other things to make it safe.


If it's not recommended don't do it.
Mine was retro fit kit and can fit in a canopy and I have it sitting 4" above the water.
I don't like it that it's so close to it but what can I do.
Somethings I do to keep my tank pretty. :/
You need to add fans inside the canopy more the better. I have one fan rigged in one corner pushing the cold air in and one in the other side pushing the warm air out... looks ugly at the moment but want to do it properly possibly this week.
I also have one 6" clip on fan in the sump cooling the water down there as well.


Active Member
I don't see anything wrong with mounting any fixture under a canopy as long as it's properly vented.....That being said, I'm not sure I'd want it to be 2" from the water regardless of what lighting type it is.....Being PC I'd feel alot safer than MH's though.....I'd most definitely would rather have my lighting mounted to the hood for several reasons vs sitting on the ledge of the tank.....1 You have to remove to clean or any type of service on the tank......2 A real PITA during servicing you now have NO light over the tank to really see what's going on......3 With lights being mounted that closely it would also be a constant PITA to keep the lenses/bulbs clean/clear from salt spray......Without keeping them clean your only cutting down on your light output.