They keep coming! ...i dont know whats going on.

mr. tuna

Active Member
I have a 92 corner reef, and it has been setup for 5-6 months, and i have 250 watts of MH, and 240 watts of PC. I bought this product called reva-phos, which stops red algea from growing, and i placed it in my filter last night, and it keep coming.
Here is a pic of the red spots.

mr. tuna

Active Member
The bag with the phosphate stopper is under the filter floss,
in the top layer above the bio balls.


Its leaking?
You need to keep a close eye on that if it is.
I had Phosban in a Lifeguard unit in April - It was fine for 12-14 hours then when I went to sleep - I woke up the next day to a chocolate milk tank and bleeding fish.
Everything survived the ordeal cept a Cleaner and a Emerald Crab -
However, it was a god awful mess to clean.


give the phosphate remover sometime to get all of it out, it wont happen overnight. what kind of water do you use for your tank( tap, ro,ro/di?) tap is usaully the source of po4, i have no cyano in the winter but come summer i always have them to some degree, i use ro/di water and run po4 remover in the summer to help.



Originally posted by sebae0
give the phosphate remover sometime to get all of it out, it wont happen overnight. what kind of water do you use for your tank( tap, ro,ro/di?) tap is usaully the source of po4, i have no cyano in the winter but come summer i always have them to some degree, i use ro/di water and run po4 remover in the summer to help.

Is your tank in front of a north facing window? Why would summer/winter make a difference?


Active Member

Originally posted by donmgicwon
Is your tank in front of a north facing window? Why would summer/winter make a difference?

the position of the sun



Originally posted by Fishman830
the position of the sun

If its not in front of a window the position of the sun shouldn't matter. THAT is why I asked if it was in front of a window FIRST.

mr. tuna

Active Member
I have done 3, 5 gallon water changes in the past 2 weeks,
And i checked my water parameters and i got this:
Ammonia- 0
salinity- 1.025
calcium- 450 ppm
nitrite- 0
nitrate- 0
PH- 8.3
My tank is facing my main house window. :yes:


my tank is actually in my basement wall, i don't know what causes it to happen like that but its done it for the last 2 summers, maybe the slight temp increase?


my friend used to get it all the time. He had really fine grained sand - when he used a different kind, it got rid of it. Not too sure why

mr. tuna

Active Member
Yes, i have a phosphate tester,
and my phosphate is high. ( about 1)
And, now i looked at my tank again...
The algea is growing even more.
It doubled in size already!
.. too much looks ugly.