They won't move from here


I have two clowns that were in my 33 gallon for a year. I moved them into my new 150 about 6 weeks ago. They have made this tiny corner of my beautiful, huge tank their home. They only come out for food, and then never further than the end third of the tank. When they were in my smaller tank, they were ALWAYS out front, but now I hardly ever see them.
Is there anyway to get them to move their home?


Put an anemone underneath them and try to get them to host that anemone. A few days after they host it move the anemone (they should follow) to a good place on the sand bed with not too much current. Put some rocks around the anemone to make him feel secure and pray he doesn't move. They probably don't feel secure for some reason, once they have an enemone that it their house and protection. Here a few pics of my clowns and their anemones.


i had the same problem with my tomato clown for a couple days, i know it might sound bad but i just stuck my hand in the tank and spooked him away from the area a couple times and now he is out and about all the time. i dont know if you want to try that but it solved the problem for me!:happyfish


I sure wish I could add an anemone - but the tanks only been up for 3 months and it's still not real stable. It's kinda funny, though. I just added a Flame hawk to the tank and the clowns seem to have claimed the entire right third of the tank as their territory, even though they never leave the corner.