Thin Hippo/ Yellow Tang going down


New Member
I need help... My Hippo Tang is getting very thin. He eats like a horse and spends his day in front of the filter return. Now I notice that my Yellow Tang is loosing color. Does anyone have any advice for a novice. These fish are 4 years old... Never had any problems untill these last few weeks. I think the Hippo is on his last legs.


Staff member
Can you give some info about your tank type, reef, fo, etc? Also, post up your water readings.
Take a look at the Thread at the top of this forum that gives suggestions about types of info to post in this forum.
Welcome to!


New Member
The Tank is mainly a fish tank... Moving toward a reef. 60 lbs of live rock. Filtration is canister, wetdry, and protein skimmer. Water chemistry looks good. Ph, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia. I just can't figure out why the Hippo keeps loosing weight. ???


New Member
I have been feeding them blood worms, and Brine shimp... Some flake here and there. Both of the fish are 4 years old.
Thanks for any help.


Active Member

Originally posted by RMAIER
I have been feeding them blood worms, and Brine shimp... Some flake here and there. Both of the fish are 4 years old.
Thanks for any help.

Nice variety. How about changes to the tank.. You said you were moving towards a reef which makes me believe you have made some changes to the tank. I have found that tangs are very sensitive to changes in their enviornment. What changes have you made? Lighting? Aquascape? Even a large water change?


Staff member
That diet really is inadequate if that really is all they are eating. Tangs are omnivorous with a very strong nutritional need for constant natural grazing opportunities on macro and mirco algaes. What is your supply for this?
Can you post up your water readings, even though you said they are ok.
Any signs of HLLE?