Things die


New Member
I am a novice, and I just tried to swith from cc to live sand, which I did. Some things didn't make it. Did I shock my tank I wonder? Even before... polyps never want to open in my tank, and mushrooms float away and decompose. What am I doing wrong? My nitrates were high, I'm bringing them down. IS that the problem? Help. My ineptness makes me not want to get any more fish or invertebraes. I bought hairy mushrooms and the decomposed. I have a good light, protein skinner/biological filtewr in one, and two pumps.
I'm sad. Please help.


First off, dont buy anything new as far as inverts or fish for a while until your tank is stable and healthy.
Did you cycle the tank properly? Do you have a reef tank set up with live rock or is this a fish only tank. How long has it been setup? The most important thing is to take it slow and not add anything quickly. What kind of water do you use to mix in the salt. How do you measure your salinity, with a hydrometer or a refractometer? Can you post all of your levels (ammonia, nitrate, nitrite, pH, kH, temperature, etc.)
How big is your tank? What lights are you running? Do you possibly have any stray electricity that is shocking your tank inhabitants?


Active Member
Did you switch out your CC all at once, or a little at a time? How old is your tank? What kind of lights do you have? What are your exact water parameters?


Ok so you had trouble befor switching. I use cc in a 29 and have corals doing verry well. Do you use ro water? How often do you chnage your water and how much at one time do you change? Please post all your specs right now everone that can help you will be grabing at air.