things not so good in anemone land...


Hey, so at first I thought my anemone was budding. It had grown another anemone right off its foot. I have been using the method of feeding it to try to encourage the split. Well I can home today and most of the food that I fed it this morning is hanging out of it's mouth, and the mouth is gaping open and I can see the bottom of the rock it's on. Almost like it has torn a whole. Is this normal?
And it is totally deflated. All balled in on iteslf. Not closed up, just.. bla..
It looks like the mouth is falling in on itself and the skin around it is stretching really wide
I'm taking pictures as it happens. Seems to be changing shape every few minutes or so
The conclusion I came to was that when an anemone splits, it tears it's foot in half right? So if there is any undigested food in there, there isn't anything to keep it in because the mouth splits too right?
It's been in there about 6 months. the lighting is a current sunpod 150W halide,
The tank itself is about 3 weeks old. We transfered everything from my 20 gallon to a new 30. The 20 had been set up and established about 9 months.
I have been feeding once a day, but only did this for 2 days


Would it be bad to touch it and try to figure out what's going on? MAybe see what I can tell from what I can see?
Or will that just be bad


ok so.... I just used my powerhead to sorta move the tentacles out of the way so I could see the foot.
I have pictures in this forum previously of an anemone budding. You can see where the bud is coming off the foot. Well, that bud is now the "hole" that I see in the foot.


thier is a web-site called ... you can read all
about the budding process,an spliting that is going on.
you can ask karen all kinds of questions an she will get back with you an help
you go through this with your anemone, she is very good with this.


My anemone looks like it's dying and splitting at the same time. I'm cofused and my head hurts.