things that make you go hmmmm


hi all!! i was re-reading the concentious (sp) marine aquarist last night and noticed that the writer recomends blue lenkia stars for reefs. ever scince i have been to this board i have not gotten one because of others oppinions. i know that this book is a little old but where lenkias once thought to be easy to keep?


Active Member
From what I've read (and someone correct me if I'm wrong), they are reasonably easy to keep once they are established in the tank. The problem is acclimating them. They are one of the hardest critters to acclimate to a new tank.


All that I have read on this board says that you need a well established tank for them to survive. Because if I remember right(someone correct me if I'm wrong) I think they are hard to spot feed which is why they need a established tank.