Things the dog eats


Active Member
As I was mixing up a yummy and stinky treat tonight for my corals consisting of some frozen Cyclo, some prime Reef, and some DT's, all thawed and mixed with some tank water, my dog came upstairs and was begging for some of that good stuff. She wakes up when I so much as think about opening the fridge door and when she hears me pulling stuff out of the freezer, she bolts upstairs like a furry rocket!
I don't give her any coral/fish food but have a list of things she does eat on a regular basis:
#1 anything that falls on the floor, doesn't matter what it is-onions, broccoli, mushrooms, etc, etc
#2 Loves all vegtables- prefers them cooked but she will eat raw carrots (a favorite), potatoes, broccoli, asparagus, snow peas, bean sprouts, lettuce, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, etc.
#3 Loves all fruits-oranges, tangerines, peaches, tomatoes (a favorite of hers!), apples, bannanas, grapes (yeah, I know they are supposed to be be not good for for dogs, but they don't bother her), all types of melons, strawberries (another fav), raspberries, etc
#4 Chicken-of course, all dogs love chicken!
#5 Things she won't eat-Not too crazy about pickles, but will choke one down if put some mayo on it! (don't ask)
#6 Basically, she will eat anything that I eat. The plan is to eat first, ask questions later.
How about your dog?
P.S. mine is the cute one on the left in my avater


Actually i could start a thread called what my dog wont eat.
Wont eat: Vegetables, fruit, anything sweet(even sweet dog biscuits), potato chips, popcorn.
Will eat anything else pretty much.
I would be careful with the onions, raw onions are very dangerous for dogs. cooked ones are ok.


Active Member
"Actually i could start a thread called what my dog wont eat.
Wont eat: Vegetables, fruit, anything sweet(even sweet dog biscuits), potato chips, popcorn.
Will eat anything else pretty much.
I would be careful with the onions, raw onions are very dangerous for dogs. cooked ones are ok."
Yeah, I heard about onions-even though my pup will eat just about anything, I do limit her intake of non dog food. I don't even keep dog biscuits in the house anymore-her main treat is baby carrots which she absolutely loves.There's a measuring cup in the bag of dog food and she gets the same amount (1 cup) everyday, plus the occaisonal bit of people food.
What breed is your dog? Can't tell from the pic. Mine is an "American Brown Dog"


Mastiff/Rotwieller mix 120lbs, he is an amazingly well behaved dog.
He does love to eat bugs... forgot about that one. He will spend all day trying to catch a fly and amazingly somtimes he does.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jaymz
Mastiff/Rotwieller mix 120lbs, he is an amazingly well behaved dog.
He does love to eat bugs... forgot about that one. He will spend all day trying to catch a fly and amazingly somtimes he does.
one of my cats does this religiously. i never worry if a bug gets in the house, Lilly will ALWAYS get it. Always.
Roland, however, is not quite so bright. LoL. He eats garbage any time he can get it. It's so bad that it's gotten to the point at which I had to dedicate an entire closet to the garbage/recycling bins so that I could LOCK THEM behind a door. He's gotten up on counters, opened cabinets, knocked down babygates....all to get at the garbage.
He also, and this is the most disgusting thing, eats cat poop. and kitty litter... and cat-barf as well. We have to segregate the cat's boxes into their own room behind a gate to keep Roland out of them.... and sometimes he STILL manages to get into them.
He loves ice-cubes, too. Which is a great treat for dogs... no calories!! He refuses to eat vegetables though - unless they are off the grill. He won't eat fruit, and he doesn't like peanut butter either, b/c he knows I hide his medicine in it.


Originally Posted by Mimzy
one of my cats does this religiously. i never worry if a bug gets in the house, Lilly will ALWAYS get it. Always.
lol, yeah my cat Bandit is the same way, especially with the june bugs
Bandit goes outside and eats them off of the ground, but Bandits favorite time of year is fall on a windy day, so Bandit can chase the leaves around,

matt b

Active Member
My dog got into a bag of 500 paintballs and is now pooping orange
And she also LOVES tamatos.


Active Member
Fortunatly nothing but dog food. I started him as a pup on Natural Balance and now on Evo and after 3 years he has never had a human food and is not interested. Same as treats at the vet. Will only sniff at them.


He also, and this is the most disgusting thing, eats cat poop. and kitty litter... and cat-barf as well. We have to segregate the cat's boxes into their own room behind a gate to keep Roland out of them.... and sometimes he STILL manages to get into them.
So does my boxer. Very sneaky about it to. Had to put the litter boxes out on the lanai and leave the sliding door open just enough for the cats to get through. AC ing the outside too in the mean time grrrrrrr.


Originally Posted by Flricordia
Fortunatly nothing but dog food. I started him as a pup on Natural Balance and now on Evo and after 3 years he has never had a human food and is not interested. Same as treats at the vet. Will only sniff at them.
is there something wrong with your dog? or just very well trained?


Freckles (RIP)- would eat ANYTHING mint flavored. I had to start putting my purse up high because she would go straight for the gum. She also had a taste for cigarettes...not smoking them though!
Romeo- dog poop. He is his own clean up crew!
Benny- old food covered in ants. Yesterday we went to the mud bog and while walking him around, he would only grab the food on the ground that was covered in ants. Extra protein?
Brodie- electronics. Remotes, cell phones, cameras...a very expensive dog!
The ENTIRE house is dog proofed because each dog has a love for a certain undesirable object. They all love ice cubes though

Oh and just wanted to add all of the dogs names: Blake, Bailey, Brodie, Bentley, Baxter, Benny, and Romeo. Looks like we like "B" names :)


my greyhound Hab will try to eat anything in a plastic bag. usually its food but somtimes its stuff like books, tools, etc. if it s in a bag he thinks its a treat for him. his new trick is eating cherry tomatoes of the vine i have growing in the yard when he goes out side, i just make sure he gets the ripe ones cuz i read unripe and parts of the vine are not good for dogs. once i left a bag of salt water from the LFS from a frag where he could get at it and i found it later in his dog bed up stairs with just one tooth hole and all the water still in it must not have liked the taste.


Active Member
Lets see, currently I have a Husky/St.Bernard Mix that is a picky eater. But his snack favorites are popcorn and pancakes he gets them once in a great while. And he will not eat lettuce.
My female is a Golden/husky/great dane/Rottweiler mix. She... is a vacuum, she will eat anything and everything.
My lab mutt that has passed used to lay in the yard and catch bee's. Yep. Catch them and yes get stung by them in the mouth. Shake is head violently, let out a yip and in 2 minutes do it again. Yea he wasnt very smart..
All my dogs love ice cubes too...


New Member
Originally Posted by Girlina4x4
Freckles (RIP)- would eat ANYTHING mint flavored. I had to start putting my purse up high because she would go straight for the gum. She also had a taste for cigarettes...not smoking them though!
Romeo- dog poop. He is his own clean up crew!
Benny- old food covered in ants. Yesterday we went to the mud bog and while walking him around, he would only grab the food on the ground that was covered in ants. Extra protein?
Brodie- electronics. Remotes, cell phones, cameras...a very expensive dog!
The ENTIRE house is dog proofed because each dog has a love for a certain undesirable object. They all love ice cubes though

Oh and just wanted to add all of the dogs names: Blake, Bailey, Brodie, Bentley, Baxter, Benny, and Romeo. Looks like we like "B" names :)
WOW! You have seven dogs?
What breeds are they? I have two German Shepard's and a golden retriever
that pretty much takes up all my time. (playtime,walks,outings,being constantly followed around the house)
I remodeled my bathroom and found out my one sheperds developed a taste
for old wall plaster!


Active Member
My old Husky mix who left me 2 years ago loved to eat cicadas-during the last schedulled appearance of the 17 year brood, she absolutley gorged herself on them. I couldn't get used to the crunchy noise she made while chowing down on them though!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Nordy
My old Husky mix who left me 2 years ago loved to eat cicadas-during the last schedulled appearance of the 17 year brood, she absolutley gorged herself on them. I couldn't get used to the crunchy noise she made while chowing down on them though!
Ughhhh thats nasty... yea the crunch would make me cringe. The notable little yip from a 65lb mutt was quite comical once we were sure he had no ill effects from the stings. The fact that he kept doing it was absolutely hysterical. I couldnt really watch him for long as i would literally get a headache from laughing so hard.


Active Member
My beagle doesn't like pretzels.... she will eat anything that came out of the Schnauzer (top or bottom), but won't eat pretzels. LOVES peanut butter.


Active Member
I had two beagles and they would occationally sneak into our chicken coop. And they LOVED fresh chicken poop. Then they would chew on the chickens like a bone, wouldn't hurt the chicken cut em or anything. Just chew on them. They'd poop feathers after that. If we let em in the house, they'd eat just about anything they could get into.


Blake- australian shepard mix
Bailey- lab/pitt mix
Brodie- american wiretail fox terrier
Romeo- chihuahua
Bentley- boston terrier
Baxter- boston terrier
Benny- border collie mix
You could say I LOVE dogs


Active Member
I have a full blooded Boston Terrier named Oreo hey you do not argue with a 4 year old on naming a dog. The dog will eat ANYTHING and I MEAN ANYTHING lets see here caught him eating freeze dried krill one day after he had chewed the top off another time the garbage of course he is a walking disposal for the kids. Another time I caught him eating the dried alage I feed my tangs funniest thing I ever saw him eat though was part of a bag of salt I used to rebag my salt for 5 gallon batches had to stop once I got him. He ate one then drank maybe 4 gallons of water nonstop.