Things to do with reservoir


New Member
I recently installed a Auto Top Off system and am curious if there is anything I can put in or do with the reservoir of fresh water that could benefit the tank?


I've never heard of hooking anything up to a top off resorvoir myself. Usually when people add a drip system it goes straight into the sump. I would think if you set up a drip system for the resorvoir that you could potentially put in too much of something at a time. For example: If you have both a top off and a kalk dripper. If the kalk drips into the sump, and all is dialed in, your adding a specific amount of cchemical at a specific timeframe. If you have the same thing drip into the top off resorvoir at a certain amount, it could build up in the resorvoir to a higher level than is safe to add at a time, then your top off kicks on and dumps a large amount of chemical(s) into your system in one shot. I may be wrong, but thats my impression of adding something to your top off. Now, if your just talking about adding a buffer of some kind (like proper PH), as long as its dissolved, I think that would be fine.