Thining about Anemones


I saw a Nice piece of Green Carpet Anemone (S. mertensi) at my LFS and Was wondering if it was ok for my Tank.
55 g
130w 50/50 PC
130w 10000k PC
130w Actinic PC
~ 50 lbs of Live rock
Several pieces Gorgonian
Onc piece Orange Tree Sponge
Some Zoos and Mushroom Rocks
2 Percula Clownfish
2 horseshoe crabs
Royal Gramma
Mandarin Dragonet
Rusty Clown Gobi
Bartlett Anthias
2 Firefish Gobi
2 peppermint Shrimp
2 Green Emeralds (with red color ?)
Various Snails and Hermits
DIY Mud Filter -900 GPH
Large amount of Brillopad Algae in Fliter


I'd advise against it, not just do to lighting, though your lighting looks good and strong for a 55, but MH would be prefered for carpet anemones.
More so the fact that with a community tank like you have you could wind up missing some of your fish. S. mertensii is known as a fish eater and I'd say you have some expensive snacks in your tank that could wind up as food for the carpet.
Also a 55 is a bit small for S. mertensii in my opinion.
They are beautiful and its your choice, but my opinion would be not to do it unless you could setup a tank just for it and a couple of clowns that are likely to use it as a host.


Thanks for the Advice, I was thinking Along the same lines but thought I'de Ask. Can you think of an Anemones that my Clowns would like but would not be as much of a threat to the rest of the inhabitents of my tank?
Thanks again