Think its Sick!


So my wife loves Anemones we have three. We just got our last one about 4 or 5 days ago and it was doing fine until this morning it had deflated. It purked up durring the day so I thought it was fine. Then the same again however its just starting to end the day cycle now (Lights from 11 to 11). Any thoughts? I tested on thursday however I will test again I guess. Here is what I got on Thurs.
CA = 550
PH = 8.4
Rite = 0
Rate = 0
AMM = 0
Salt = 1.025

My Tank because I want to show off my new leather!!

Thanks in Advance,


Whats the alkalinity at?
What are the other anemones you have?
It is possible that it is simply getting ready to move or just inflating and deflating to get used to the new water quality that it is in.
How do you keep your sand so dang nice?
People like you make me MAD!!! :mad:
Beautiful tank by the way!
Could just be getting use to the lights. Remeber the only way of truely knowing your anenome is dead / dyingis by disintegration.
Man thats a clean tank.


Seriously, how DO you keep your sand so clean??
Between debris and algae mine looks nothing like that...


Active Member
Originally Posted by sleeper
Seriously, how DO you keep your sand so clean??
Between debris and algae mine looks nothing like that...

Me too

Lisa :happyfish


I have some sand snails there are about 30 large ones and about 30 small ones and I have 4 sand star fish. We also have about 50 hermmit crabs, and the ususal turbos . Also we use the magnet cleaner every day on the glass.
Well this one seems to be doing fine now I am worried about my other one.

This was a pic the other day. Now its starting to shrivle and its mouth is very open and puffy? How can I tell if its dead or diying? If it is I want to get it out asap so it wont hurt my tank?