think my snails had babies helps!!!!


There is a little brown what looks like a snail baby. It is brown with a small foot and a small mouth. It does not have a shell but has about 4-5 spines. Anyone know what it could be????


Active Member
I suggest looking up nubis and identifying yours. You need to make sure it doesn't like to eat what you have. Some of them are poisonous to certain fish. There's many many species.


Active Member
Then there are predacious nudibranches. These are often poorly documented, so you have to know the signs. Watch for whether or not he's hanging around your corals, or even worse, ON your corals. If he is, watch for bleaching (whitening) around where he is. That's a defense mechanism from your coral, so it's a sign that the nudibranch is pissing it off.... or eating it... I had one get in once that ate an entire Colt coral, but I'd have nailed it if I was watching for the above signs.
Nudibranches generally have extremely specific dietary requirements. If he lives in the tank for more than a few weeks, then he has a food supply, and you need to find out what. Nudibranches that can be fed prepared fish food are very rare; they usually feed of something in your tank. This can be very good as well as bad, so knowledge is power!