Will a niger trigger eat my inverts and smaller fish?I have heard they are okay around them.I am also thinking about a rectangular trigger. Will either of these work?
hi the niger is the less aggressive thigger i would go with that one its a real cool fish to have and it changes color to its mood
i have one with damels small angels clown fish and all get along
well that other trigger i beleave its real aggressive so good luck
go with the niger
I have never seen my niger eat any hermits but I do see him swimming around with them in his mouth. And I started with 10 and only see maybe 2 or 3 left. But it could be my picasso or goldentail eel eating them also.
a niger probly wont eat yur inverts except for shrimp because no one can resist a shrimp dinner. Also a niger will leave more options open for u in the future in case you want to get a lion or some other less aggressive fish
IMO triggers are to restrictive. Yes they will eat inverts. If im not mistaken they will eat snails and crabs. They are messy eaters to. They need a fairly large tank as they get big.