Thinking about adding a refugium


I'm pondering the idea of adding a refugium to replace my wet/dry filter. I have an extra 55g high tank that I could use to do this, should be big enough for a 125, right? from what I read I'll need a dsb (I'll do 6"), low flow through the refugium, but how low? I was thinking of making it so the water would flow from the front to the back instead of from side to side, for more volume. I also want to put this in the basement, the main tank was placed over an old air vent that's not used, so plumbing won't be a big issue. Then I can move all the equipment downstairs where I won't hear it and I'll have plenty of room.
I have a good idea of how i want it setup, but i want everyone's opinions and ideas. Maybe some pics of you refigiums would help me out too!


Active Member
Well for starters I'm jealouse. I wish I had a basement to stow everything away in.55g should be perfect for a 125. I shoot for 5-7x turnover in my fuge, more towards 5x.


Yeah, the basement sould make it easy. I'll make you more jealous, the laundry area is underneath and slightly to the right of the main tank, so no more carring buckets for water changes. Do you think the flow of water will be ok using the depth instead of the length of the tank?