Thinking about adding a sump/refuge questionss...



Thinking about adding a sump/refuge
I have a few questions I already have an amiricle wet/dry filter w/ LR I have an overflow box and a return pump for this.. How would I plum in a sump/refuge. I have no experience w/ any of this.. would I get a all new overflow tubing and pump?
Also does anyone have any diagrams for a 20H or a 10 gallon?


I had a wetdry that i ended up adding a fuge to. I used an old marineland eclipse tank, put a bulkhead in the side, then plumbed it to the return section of my wet/dry. Then to get water to it, i put a T on my return pump one part going to a valve then to the tank, the other side to a valve then to the new fuge made out of the marineland tank. Adjusted flow so it flowed slowly into the fuge, and it gravity drained back to the wetdry. Worked great. You can substitue a small rubbermain container in for the eclipse tank and it should work the same way.