Thinking about avoiding the aggressive fish from now on



I've had aggressive fish for years now in both fresh and salt. Recently i've been having a change of heart. I had a small 2inch clown trigger and a 3-4inch humma humma along with a dog face puffer. About 2months ago i got a big 6-7inch Lei trigger who harassed my humma humma. My small clown ended up dieing like my clowns always do after a few months, but last week i noticed my humma was missing, only to find him dead at the hands..or shall i say fins of the Lei
So as much as l love triggers i think i'm going to avoid them for awhile. I am curious abuot getting a couple different wrasse species though. I have always liked the watchman goby' if i were to get a sunset or green wrasse would he go after my goby, if the goby is of descent size??

crypt keeper

Active Member
where you went wrong was mixing a huge size difference. I alos believe the Lei and Humu Humu are in the same family. Wrasse can be aggressive fish as well. That sucks what has happened.
also how small was the Clown Trug? very small triggers need to be fed 5 times a day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
where you went wrong was mixing a huge size difference. I alos believe the Lei and Humu Humu are in the same family. Wrasse can be aggressive fish as well. That sucks what has happened.
also how small was the Clown Trug? very small triggers need to be fed 5 times a day.
Close, Lei triggers are the Sufflamen genus, and Humu's are Rhinecanthus
. Though if you really look at their body structure, they're actually really similar. Sufflamens are basically just like a larger Rhinecanthus. And I think what happened with Jabari, is the direct result of that, the Humu was just too close in appearance, and for obvious size differences, was no match for the Lei.
If you're thinking of toning down the aggression, a Lunare or Sunset is not really the way to go. My 8" Lunare is every bit, if not more then aggressive then my 7" Lei. They have their occasional squabbles, and it's always the Lunare that start's it. Not a goby, but I had a Horned Blenny, that lived with the Lunare for a bit. No real issues.
If you're having problems with Aggressive fish, why not just try a more traditional approach? Stop mixing triggers. 1 trigger, 1 wrasse, 1 tang, 1 puffer, and 1 angel (of course depending on tank size).