I've had aggressive fish for years now in both fresh and salt. Recently i've been having a change of heart. I had a small 2inch clown trigger and a 3-4inch humma humma along with a dog face puffer. About 2months ago i got a big 6-7inch Lei trigger who harassed my humma humma. My small clown ended up dieing like my clowns always do after a few months, but last week i noticed my humma was missing, only to find him dead at the hands..or shall i say fins of the Lei
So as much as l love triggers i think i'm going to avoid them for awhile. I am curious abuot getting a couple different wrasse species though. I have always liked the watchman goby's..now if i were to get a sunset or green wrasse would he go after my goby, if the goby is of descent size??
So as much as l love triggers i think i'm going to avoid them for awhile. I am curious abuot getting a couple different wrasse species though. I have always liked the watchman goby's..now if i were to get a sunset or green wrasse would he go after my goby, if the goby is of descent size??