Thinking about buying a nano


any recomondations on what type of tanks have worked for you. I am looking for an all inclusive setup, something like a aquapod. The only thing that an aquapod does not have is a skimmer, would a skimmer be needed and how would you add one to one of these systems


Active Member
I have an aquapod 12 that I'm pretty happy with. There are a few little things you can do to make it better, but my only real complaint is that they are acrylic, and acrylic scratches too easily for me.
The open top halide versions can run hang-on skimmers pretty easily, but I think skimmers are unnecessary, especially on tanks this small. If you don't overfeed and don't overstock, you shouldn't need a skimmer.
Let me know if you have any specific questions about the aquapods.


Active Member
Since when did Aqua Pod change the round corner glass to acrylic? Inquiring minds want to know. All the AP's at both lfs here are still glass and I have read nothing on the tank itself being acrylic. Cracking is still an issue with them from what I read on the other nano cube forum and have not read about them chaning from glass to acrylic.


Active Member
Interesting... perhaps it is glass - I just assumed it was acrylic because of how light it is and how easy it has scratched.


Active Member
I think you need to go back and read your spec sheet as its 100% glass.......its light because that glass is fairly thin. If yur scratching that glass so easy I would highly recomend keeping a close eye on that setup as its a disater waiting to happen. It only takes minut scratches to make the curved front glass nano cubes be it current, or JBJ crack or bust. Its a major problem with them.
Copy paste from CurrentUSA website.
The seamless rounded front corners provide a panoramic view of your aquatic creatures. The thick high quality glass is bent and seamed with unparalleled precision while the reinforced tank frame provides optimum tank support.
They do have a way with words don't they......"high quality and thick, unparalleled precision etc" yet a simple on off light coinfiguration threw them into a major safety issue loop for being wired wrong. AP suffers from the cracked tank syndrome as bad as the JBJ nano cubes do.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by jacksonpt
Interesting... perhaps it is glass - I just assumed it was acrylic because of how light it is and how easy it has scratched.

I just got a 24 G Aquapod with the 150W HQI and it is cycling. Make sure you are using a small (weak) magnet to scrape the glass. If you use a large magnet, it will press too hard and scratch the glass. I caught that after just one swipe.