Thinking about buyting this 180g.. It has no center brace tho???



This guy near me sells these custom all glass 180g tanks with stand. They are round edges on the front but not he back. The stand looks nice and the price is pretty good $800. The only catch is there are no center braces on these tanks. Is that normal?
This is going to possibly be my new Aggressive Trigger tank...


make your own out of 1/4 inch acrylic, it will be super easy with minimal tools needed and it will be strong and clear to keep from a shadow


I wouldn't trust silicone or glue for the structural aspects alone but you can buy vinyl screws and drill holes in both the trim ring and the acrylic piece and maybe silicone it to the underside of the trim ring
it would look slightly different then this but you get the idea



If he is selling them without them does this mean it might not need them or did they just go cheap on the tank construction? I dont mind putting them in but I dont want to do it if it does not need it. It would be so nice to have a tank with no cross beams. My current 120g has them and I hate it.


add some euro bracing around the perimiter and forget the cetre braces all together, my 135 hos no bracin at all but uses slightly thicker glass to make up for it


Active Member
Originally Posted by synyster11
This guy near me sells these custom all glass 180g tanks with stand. They are round edges on the front but not he back. The stand looks nice and the price is pretty good $800. The only catch is there are no center braces on these tanks. Is that normal?
This is going to possibly be my new Aggressive Trigger tank...
Get a picture of a Euro Bracing, take it to a glass shop and have them cut you a 3/8" piece of glass that matches. Then you can Silicone the top to the tank, and it will be as strong as the braces.