thinking about changing from cc to ls


New Member
Ok, heres my question, my 55 gallon is running for about 4 months now, i have some cleaners in there , shrimp, snails, crabs, and my tang really cleans my rock and picks at the coral on the bottom, but, ive noticed it starting to get browner, should i just vac it up? or change to sand? and if i change to sand, how do i do it with a cycled tank and all the inhabitants in there now? some good advice would be helpful here!!!


I lost my entire stock because i failed to research this enough before settling on CC. CC traps all the bad stuff and if you don't vacume then BANG, you have a biological wasteland killing your fish.
For my money, I won't use CC until I am much more advanced in the hobby, I think the disadvantages outweigh the "beauty" appeal.


Well you can wind up with this brown anyway, sand or crushed coral. It sound like diatoms, or it could just be some other algae that is turning brown because the clean up crew might not like to venture out into the cc. Snails will go out in search for food but only after your rock and glass is cleaned of food, then they might go out into the crushed coral but they won't like it, way to many sharp edgeds for there peds IMO..