Thinking about FO tank


OK, I have a 75g tank that i'm waiting to set up as a reef. Might not do it yet because i could be moving within the next year or two. I do have a 55g fresh water tank with cichlids. They are getting boring and i really don't tank care of the tank. I'm more involved in playing with my girlfriends reef tank.
I might just change the 55 to a FOWLR for the time being because it would be easier to move. I have some lava rock in the tank. If i take it out and boil it can i use it as base rock in the tank. I was also going to add about 30 more lbs of LR and do a dsb. Can i get away with no other filtration? I do have a fluval hooked up that i would probably use. I would probably also keep a bit of macro algae in the tank.
Also what are other non-reef safe fish that would fit a 55? I was looking at some smaller wrasses and maybe a butterfly? Would any of the boxfish stay small enough? Just trying to find other fish that i can't have in my reef.
Basically i don't know the minimums i can do with a fo tank because i've only every kept a reef tank. I don't have the money for anything to expensive because I just put most of my money into the 75 before i thought about moving in the near future.


Active Member
Recommend you get a protien skimmer (a pretty cheap one will do nicely, >$150 ) and you shouldn't need anything else. You existing filter (replace the media) is all you need.
The box fish will be fine (try a cow fish too, introduce him first as they are really interesting fish.
add a couple of clowns (I really like clowns)


I was going to see if i could get away from a protien skimmer. I could use the one that i have for the 75 if i need to. I intend to clean everything very well if i decided to do this.
As for fish. I just want things that will not outgrow the tank. Not sure how much room the box fish needed. Here is what i was going to put in my 75 reef when i set it up and want to stay away from most of these guys (for the 55) just for variety.
Potentials for 75 reef - 3-4 pink skunks, purple fire fish, pair of yellow jawfish, flame angle, flasher wrasse and about 2 blennies or gobies. Thus i would like to stay away from these guys in the 55.
Potentials for 55 - maroon clown, box fish, 3-4 blue chromis, small wrasse, maybe a butterfly(have to research them more first). Or other guys i wouldn't be able to put in the reef.


Active Member
they sound pretty good,as far as your fish go, they could work, but i would ditch one or 2 of the big ones, maybe the puffer since he can be a nipper
one thing i will add, be careful of the lava rock,there are varying opinions on its use, but depending on the rock, it can have elements in it which can leech into your water, just because it is for fw does not mean it is safe for sw, now this is just my opinion; but tufa rock is base reef rock(from under a reef) and sells about 1$/lb at some landscaping suppliers and is safer
as for the skimmer, i do reccommend one, they are great tools, but as was mentioned, they are not always a neccessity, just a BIG help
and i use no filters on my 75, just 110 lbs of lr and a dsb plus eirculation(i do have an emporer bio wheel hooked up and circulating with no filters or wheels in, just for circulation and maybe occassional carbon addition MAYBE) so you should be fine with that for filtration


I do also have a uv sterilizer laying around also and also have a bio-wheel i could put in despite that arguement that was on here the other day. Would maybe put it in the tank a week before i want to set up my QT and then move it to the QT.


Active Member
do you mean put the uv on for now, or the wheels?
the uv i would not use, personally, they kill way too much stuff, they do not pick and choose, and i definitely would not put one on til after teh cycle, it would probably slow down the cycle(IMO) by killing the bacteria you are trying to grow, the biowheels won't hurt a fo tank, but as you see, i don't use mine anymore, but they will not hurt a fowlr and a dsb,
(or did you menan put the bio wheels there to grow bacteria, then move them to the q tank? if so this is a good idea, just i would do this mid cycle,and remove before adding fish, giving the tank a chance to restabilize befor e adding fish(justt like removing bio balls it should be done slowly(IMO) when you have livestock)
if you want to build a q tank, that is where i would personally put a uv if anywhere, i think(my own opinion)uv is not bad for fo, just not as good as not having it


No one seems to have pointed out the fact that if a box fish gets stressed it can release toxins into the tank. You could have a total tank wipeout including the box fish. If you add one, make sure the tank is completely cycled to avoid stress and do not house it with any fish that could harrass it. BTW, a protien skimmer would really come in handy removing toxins if the box fish decides to nuke the tank.


Remember that this is just an idea. I have all he equipment that i mentioned. I don't use the uv on the reef tank i already have set up for those reasons you mentioned fshhub. I didn't even think of using it on the qt tank. I would probably put the bio-wheel on the tank after it was up for a month or two just to get the bacteria in it for the qt tank. As for protien skimmer i have read both sides here at this site. Some people use them and others don't. I do on my 55reef and have one for my 75reef that one day i will set up. I might use the one for the 75 on this 55 fowlr just because otherwise it would just be laying around. I would like to put a lot of macro algae into the tank to remove most of the nutrients that are unwanted.
After doing a litte more researh on the box fish i don't know if i want one. I would like more info on butterflys. I've been looking at old post on them for the last hour.


Active Member
check out the thread fin butterfly, hardy, and will do well in a fowlr
and as for skimmers, it is up to you entirely, i have none, and am building a reef, but fo or fowlr would have more leeway, just watch your trates closely and keep them down for some species of fish and if they get too unmanageable be ready to get a skimmer, but if done right, and given time to mature propeerly a fowlr and dsb will do fine without one
you just need ot make sure you have adequate circulation at least 550 gph in a 55(but you can go much higher) and enough sources to prevent calm areas


Well i have about 4 extra powerhead laying around also.
The last problem is my girlfriend. She likes the cichlids. She actually named all of them (Steve, Mac, Barry) :rolleyes: I'm just not interested in these guys anymore. I'll see what happens


Active Member
well, if she likes the cichlids, set up the 75 as a fo, it can still be moved, then build it as a reefand put those fish in your 55, if they'll go in the 55, they will also fit in a 75