Thinking about getting Nano


ok well i was thinking about getting an aquapod 24gal. what i was wondering was
1. if the aquapod was worth getting or if it would be better to get a regular glass aquarium and buy the needed accesories?
2. is it possible to upgrade to halide light fixture at a later time if you buy the aquapod with compacts?
Thanks in advance. any input would be greatly appreciated also if there are any other brands besides aquapod that you recomend looking into.


no one has one and is able to give any input? i would really appreciate it b/c lfs isn't always interested in giving real input as opposed to just making a sale


Active Member
I'm bias, so take this into consideration, but I think the standard 10g glass tanks are the way to go. They are versatile enough for the beginner and are cost effective as well--I think they sell for $10-15. Add a $20 HOB aquaclear, $20 powerhead, and 10# of LS and some live rock and you're off and running. As for halides, on a 10g that's way overkill. (a) you can't keep anything in a 10g which need that much light, and (b) the amount of heat generated would become an issue real fast. Hope this helps......and as always, JMO.


thanks for the info....i was thinking about going a little bigger than a 10 gal.
if i don't get the aquapod 24gal. i will probably get a 20or 30 gallon glass tank


I was just looking at the aquapod in a magazine, they aren't cheap but I think they sure look clean. I saw you can even get a MH system on them, although the compact looks like a better deal. I think if you are willing to spend the money it will look better than a standard 20-30, but i'm not sure how to get a protein skimmer on them...


Active Member
The only protein skimmer I've seen designed for a nano is in a popular catalog, and it costs about $20. I've "talked" with two people who bought this and they both wish they spent their $20 on more live rock.


Here is my 24 gal AquaPod with upgraded 150w MH and AquaC Remora skimmer in the back. I've basically taken everything out of the tank that was stock (including the powerhead.) I honestly wish I would have just purchased a regular glass tank and built it up that way. I love my tank, but I have spent a lot of money doing upgrades. My light fixture alone was $300. If you plan on keeping high light corals or a clam, just get a regular glass tank and buy everything you need for it. But if you only plan on keeping softies, go ahead and get the AquaPod.


thanks for the info i'm still not sure what i'm gonna do yet but i am thinking of keeping mor "high light" corals. but i definately like how the aquapod looks but not sure i'm willing to spend that much for it.
@ sugarfox ....your tank looks really good


Originally Posted by bs21
thanks for the info i'm still not sure what i'm gonna do yet but i am thinking of keeping mor "high light" corals. but i definately like how the aquapod looks but not sure i'm willing to spend that much for it.
@ sugarfox ....your tank looks really good

This is our qt tank and we love it. It is in our sons room and it is so enclosed and perfect to hold a couple of small fish for him and use it to qt if we should need it. But my lfs has the same one and it is full of lr ls lcorals and fish. they are sweet :jumping:


I started with a 29g and it worked out great. You can keep more fish and you should be able to set a nice one up for $750 maybe a little less if you dont want heavy lighting


Active Member
Originally Posted by teviesfish
This is our qt tank and we love it. It is in our sons room and it is so enclosed and perfect to hold a couple of small fish for him and use it to qt if we should need it. But my lfs has the same one and it is full of lr ls lcorals and fish. they are sweet :jumping:
teviesfish.. what size tank is that? is that the 12 gallon that comes with the filteration system?.. my LF store has one for sell for 150 bucks. he said i could put a pair of percs and a small goby with a coral banded shrimp in the 12 gallon. if ur QT tank is in fact the 12 gallon could you let me know how it is? thanks


Originally Posted by bs21
thanks for the info i'm still not sure what i'm gonna do yet but i am thinking of keeping mor "high light" corals. but i definately like how the aquapod looks but not sure i'm willing to spend that much for it.
@ sugarfox ....your tank looks really good

Thanks! Its getting there! I still want to cover it in zoos and stuff.
I'm getting 15 lbs more of live rock tomorrow, it should look pretty sweet after that. I want to build up the rear of the tank. I think it looks a bit empty. Only 10-12 lbs are going in the display (hopefully, if it all fits) the rest is rubble and is going in the rear compartments - I'm making a make-shift fuge.